Here is a graph. Keep up the good work everyone.
It's only over the course of a couple of days, but it does seem to demonstrate a linear correlation between pledge-per-fan and also pledges over time.
If the momentum is maintained, this should be quite exciting, but as mentioned several times, it seems that pledges are usually not consistent over the course of the time available. Still, it's a wonderful start.
As for choosing to pledge or not to pledge, I think I touched on it before: no-one should feel guilty or feel as though they have to justify themselves if they choose not to pledge. Likewise, no-one should feel guilty for choosing to pledge to this over other things. The important thing with regards to money is having a generous spirit, regardless of how much one has, whether rich or poor. Am I generous with my money? Probably not enough, but I try.
That said, I did make my pledge a few days ago, and if others are willing and able, I hope they do as well if they haven't already. Keep up the support, everyone, financially or through other means!
Edit: I want to make it very clear that I do not consider RSI to be a charity in any sense of the word, nor do I consider giving to charity to be undesirable or something to be discouraged. Sorry for any misunderstanding.