Request for UE2

Yes, the naming of the UE Rapier is supposed to imply the existence of a Rapier III (well, actually, Eder just named it Rapier IV for some reason nobody understands... but since we went along with that, there must be a Rapier III :p). We have no plans to provide any details about when it was designed, what it was used for, and what it looked like, though.
I suppose it could be useful for continuity's sake, in case some other Rapier happens to pop up somewhere.

It could also just be a failed project that never made it.
Originally posted by Ijuin-kun
Yeah! The Paktahn always struck me as cool too!

Hmm ... I've never really seen that many Paktahn fans, but we have some excess ship slots in the WC Freelancer mod, so we could probably do it there. Take some pressure off the UE guys to fly every ship.
heheh, i hated the hellcat..... I couldn't wait till i got rid of it and got a real fighter. My own $.02 worth as far as ships go, would include
Light fighters: hornet, arrow, or banshee
Medium Fighters: The original Rapier, or Sabre
Heavy Fighters: Raptor, or Thunderbolt
Bombers: Avenger

and Cap. Ships.... well a couple of drayman 'sports would be kinda nostalgic... :)

other than that, it's all good.... any idea on the release date for UE2? or is it still "when it's done"?
Actually, I think that right now the release date still is "after it's started"... "When it's done" is still a long way off :p

Hey... it's kinda started... I have been organizing the music together, commingup with ideas for a new complex MGI, and I did do the theme. We have a few other things done too... so we've past "after it's started" and are now at "when we actually start actively workind on it" :p
Well we can say that the Rapier 1 is the WCM rapier (even if I dont want to mess up with the movie :p )

The Rapier II is the new fighter for the Confed in WC1

And Rapier III can be the Wc2 Rapier,cause its also a different design than the Wc1 Rapier......

Well,anyway who cares ;)

Originally posted by Quarto
Yes, the naming of the UE Rapier is supposed to imply the existence of a Rapier III (well, actually, Eder just named it Rapier IV for some reason nobody understands... but since we went along with that, there must be a Rapier III :p). We have no plans to provide any details about when it was designed, what it was used for, and what it looked like, though.
Eh... I'd say that Rapier II-A,B,C would be more likely naming schemes, since you don't see roman numerals thrown about that in real-life or the rest of WC milspeak, but oh well.
I think it's generally acknowledged that in the WC universe, letters designate variants of the same design (F-44A from WC1, F-44G from WC2) whereas roman numerals designate entirely different designs which simply share a previous design's name (WCM - Rapier I, WC1/2 - Rapier II)...

Therefore, a Rapier IV would be the fourth design to ever use the Rapier name, while the F-44G "Rapier II" would be the seventh variant of the F-44 "Rapier II" design.

It's kinda like how the A-10 is the Thunderbolt II, with the P-47 being the original Thunderbolt... and how the F-8 (I think) is the Corsair II, with the F-4 being the original Corsair. Each of these four designs also have their variants which are represented by letters (F-4U, P-47D, etc)

Can you guys in UE2 have the game take place in more than one Star system and I would also like to see the player character Daniels get promoted.

Yeah I know about the X II and X-A,B,C, system.. my point was there are too many Rapiers ... so therefore you are saying there has been 1 fighter in between the Rapier II (the one that went through all modifications between WC1 and WCII) and the one flying in UE?

Rapier I - Movie (Pleahghablack..)
Rapier IIA WC I
Rapier IIB,C,D,E..whatever WC II
Rapier III - Sometime
Rapier IV - Somtime (Possibly brand spanking new fighter or something? Or a hand-me-down model? Not a lot of time here if it was a hand-me-down model).

There isn't a lot of room there, especially since the Hellcat was going to (or in anycase it did) replace the Rapier in a short time.
By the way..

Because WC model numbers sometimes see on the high-alphabet side I thought this would interest some people.

Just because there is a F100-D does not nessesarily mean there was a B or C model produced. Sometimes a varient is proposed, planned, designed but doesn't make it and the changes go instead to another model which incorportates those and newer better changes, or a model doesn't make it and instead there is a more economical (cheaper) model produced.

Or the letters could designate the same overall changes but one would be an upgrade and one would be a newbuilt craft.

Eh, the letters don't really seem incredibly high (except for the S variants... but those are special). They'll change the letter for something as small as a gun switchout, which doesn't seem to require much engineering in Wing Commander, really. There are also things like armour and shield upgrades that happen en mass at least a couple of times across the whole fleet.
Originally posted by Chad
Yeah I know about the X II and X-A,B,C, system.. my point was there are too many Rapiers ... so therefore you are saying there has been 1 fighter in between the Rapier II (the one that went through all modifications between WC1 and WCII) and the one flying in UE?
Yes, that's what we're saying. There was a Rapier III sometime in the past. It may or may not have even entered production. We don't know anything about it. We never gave the Rapier III much thought, and we're certainly not going to ask Eder to make a model for it.

As for the Rapier IV, yes, it is a new fighter - see the ships database in UE.
HEY guys is Maverick again
yea good idea edar i wanna see a multi system campaign in UWE 2 along with some promotions and more fighters from the WC1 and 2 and why not even possibly put in the Midway with a decendent of Blair comming on board!!!!!

think about it guys ill check back tomorrow to see what you think

Maverick out
Ah, assuming that was an honest request, I would have to say that it's not really a good idea to introduce a decendant of Blair since, AFAIK, there isn't one. Blair is not survived by any immediate family members. A pity, really...