Request for UE2

Originally posted by Ijuin-kun
...or maybe downgraded to a "passive" cloak whereby you don't show up on the enemy radar till you start shooting...
That wouldn't really be 'passive' per se. AFAIR, in WC3 one always had to de-cloak when firing.

Originally posted by WildWeasel
Considering how long ago the war was, it wouldn't be unreasonable to include Strakhas that are unable to cloak in the sequel.
How you figure that?... As time marches on, technology generally improves... So if anything, it seems more likely that previously un cloak-capable ships WOULD be able to, rather than previously cloak-capable ships being UN-able to...
The Kilrathi's technology probably would have kept improving, had they not lost the war. The few Strakhas that did survive probably haven't been maintained very well.
Yeah, what WW said. The idea would be that the Strakhas are a bit dilapidated and thus have only limited cloaking ability--you could show up at a nav point cloaked (the enemy fighters would ignore you untill you de-cloaked or until you entered a certain "alarm" zone), but you could not cloak and turn invisible in the middle of a dogfight (that is, you could not go back into cloak and have the enemy fighters break off their attack on you).
if you do go with a strakha... which one will you add? strakha mk1 or strakha mk2? I have a useable strakha mk1 mesh...
Originally posted by Darkmage
if you do go with a strakha... which one will you add? strakha mk1 or strakha mk2? I have a useable strakha mk1 mesh...
If we did go with a Strakha, I certainly would prefer the Mk. 1 version. However, without a functioning cloak, it just seems really pointless to use Strakha.
What if the BW managed to steal/bargain for some of the earlier stealth fighters which only hid from radar, like in the Academy TV episode Invisible Enemy?
It wouldn't matter, because we radar invisibility is as impossible to implement as visual invisibility. Indeed, chances are that if we were able to do one, we'd be able to do the other - I doubt that the AI perceives a difference between radar and visual targetting.
How about we get to fly a Corvette? With cloak?

J/K about the cloak, but serious about the corvette. Would have to come up with some pretty funky plot line to make Daniels have to fly a corvette.
Originally posted by Quarto
It wouldn't matter, because we radar invisibility is as impossible to implement as visual invisibility. Indeed, chances are that if we were able to do one, we'd be able to do the other - I doubt that the AI perceives a difference between radar and visual targetting.

Would it be possible to make the enemies simply ignore/disregard the ships on the player's side? What I mean is would it be possible to just make the enemy ships not attack while the player is in "cloak" mode?
Originally posted by Ijuin
Would it be possible to make the enemies simply ignore/disregard the ships on the player's side? What I mean is would it be possible to just make the enemy ships not attack while the player is in "cloak" mode?
That's what I did for UE's mission 8. It must be done by alot of coding. But cloaking is not just a matter of enemies not firing at you. Guns must be disabled, the ship must be rendered insivible and cloaked ships must disapear from radar. Plus you have to figure out a way to trigger it on/off since we cannot capture a keyboard key by code... unless HCl makes another miracle :)

But there is no point in having cloak in UE2, since story-wise the bugs see "through" it anyway.
Yep, Pete is right. Cloaking doesn't work on bugs anyway.

As for flying a corvette... well, there are always possibilities, but I personally am very much against it. We all know what flying the Devastator is like. I don't think anybody really wants to fly a cow of a ship that turns even slower than a Devastator, and is not necessarily better armed either. Flying a corvette is one of those things that sounds like great fun in theory, but would suck in practice.
IIRC, one of the really early versions of Vega Strike had a mission where you flew a Venture-class corvette. It really wasn't that much fun...
Could we have a couple of Corvettes fighting on our side then? It is one pain in the arse to take them down, let alone several of them, even with a couple of wings! Every time I fly Sim10 I will lose one or more wingmen. If I don't, it's either because I've stormfired it from 9000 clicks out, or my wingmen have taken some serious damage.

I want more capship fights!
I've never liked the idea of being in a corvette either, but they are supposed to be a cheap alternative to other patrol ships, or something like that. Large groups of them look pretty good, as in the picture in the Nintendo Power magazine.
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Question - why is there Roman numerals after the Rapier model?

I'd like to see... Hellcats. Not that I'd like to fly them, but they would be likely candidates for transfer to the BWU.
Originally posted by Chad
Question - why is there Roman numerals after the Rapier model?
Designates the mark number. It is a completely different design to the Rapier we saw in WCM (Rapier I) and the Rapier we saw in WC1/2 (Rapier II).