Regarding HLP...

No, everything is o.k, only the starting page is linked a little wrong.

Select the HLP 2.0 link on the right side, this will lead you to the real page.
A word to the CIC-admins :

Even If I sometimes anger myself about this forum (mostly for some minor technical differences to the one used to us) :) I just want to say a "Thank you" from the entire WC-Saga-Team for providing us this substitute developer forum. This definitly helped us keeping things rolling the past few weeks.


Is it necessary to say, that this is really starting to )$*"&@ me off ? :mad: :mad:

When do these guys get the final hint and leave those $(%/@**' gamespy-servers
Starman© said:
I just want to say a "Thank you" from the entire WC-Saga-Team for providing us this substitute developer forum. This definitly helped us keeping things rolling the past few weeks.
Happy to do it.
Aren't we already here? But yeah, we could probably do with a permanent home that won't go away when someone blows on the cables.
gevatter Lars said:
I think we should astablish a permanent base here at CIC.

No offend (escpecially to CIC-Admins), but I say NO. Simply because they are 3 major technical aspects in this forum, which are disturbing IMO (at least for the way I have used our internal, remember our To-Do-Lists and Bug-Reports).

1) Everytime I post, and disconnect from my provider, and reconnect again , I get a new IP-Adress, and CIC-Forum uses IP-Adresses, not Usernames to identify users. So I'm not able anymore to edit older post like above-mentioned stickys and stuff. You know this is due to T-Online and many other european-providers.(O.K, you can give me moderator-rights, that could solve this problem).

2) I'm not allowed to post more than 5 or 6 Images (including smilies) in a post, and you know we need sometimes more.

3) I cannot edit my post for at least 45 seconds after posting (and I do this often, because I miss-tipe much or re-edit bad grammar so they will not result in a misunderstanding, and often I oversee these things before posting. And because our forums are sometimes more a chat-room, I have to be quick. You all know we are very active in our internal.)

also reasons are :

4) On of our team-members who is not always around, but doing important code-stuff, is permanent banned here (don't start to discuss the why and If's now, I simply stating a fact, I have no interest discussing this again.)

5) This mod may be WingCommander, but every technical aspekt is FREESPACE, so HLP is the only right place for it (sectorgame is way to quiet, and has maybe still bandwidth-problems. Remember 18 months back !)

So HLP is down again, and this angers me to the innerst part.But CIC is a temporary solution, and I'm gratefull to the admins for helping us out (as I already said), but it is temporary

Starman© said:
1) Everytime I post, and disconnect from my provider, and reconnect again , I get a new IP-Adress, and CIC-Forum uses IP-Adresses, not Usernames to identify users. So I'm not able anymore to edit older post like above-mentioned stickys and stuff. You know this is due to T-Online and many other european-providers.(O.K, you can give me moderator-rights, that could solve this problem).
This is entirely incorrect. You can edit your posts until two hours after posting. That leaves ample time to make any corrections. Moderators can edit posts indefinitely, and all you have to do to get moderation rights here is ask.

2) I'm not allowed to post more than 5 or 6 Images (including smilies) in a post, and you know we need sometimes more.
There needs to be some kind of limit, and I think most people will agree that five per post is a reasonable amount. If you're posting a huge amount of files as attachment, you need to ask yourself if it wouldn't be better to upload the files somewhere over FTP. Web interfaces are hardly ideal for uploading.

3) I cannot edit my post for at least 45 seconds after posting (and I do this often, because I miss-tipe much or re-edit bad grammar so they will not result in a misunderstanding, and often I oversee these things before posting. And because our forums are sometimes more a chat-room, I have to be quick. You all know we are very active in our internal.)
There needs to be 45 second between posts. I didn't think this affected editing existing posts, or that someone else would have complained about it over the past four years. I could be wrong, though, since the 45 second limit doesn't apply to Administrators as far as I know. There is also a preview button when making a new post. (not available on quick reply)

4) On of our team-members who is not always around, but doing important code-stuff, is permanent banned here (don't start to discuss the why and If's now, I simply stating a fact, I have no interest discussing this again.)
The private forum is password protected. Can he access the board as a guest? Failing that, he registered two or three more accounts after we banned him. I don't see why he couldn't register another and only post to your forum. (he would have to give up trolling the other forums with guest posts, however)
I gotta think about that. But moderator-rights (at least for the internal) will be handy, since I would have many sticky's to edit. As I said, we have bug-reports (for each mission) to-do-list, work-assignments and so on which I have to take care of. So if it wouldn't make any trouble to you giving me those , I would appreciate it.

I mean, one thing I can say about CIC, is that it is always available :) (despite the crash in the summer, no one can give 100% guarantee).

Forget what I said about that editing-issue. Does not happen to me know, maybe the server was blocked in some way.

Dump question, is the colour-sheme a must have for all forums, or can it be changed individual ?

(BTW, that is not a "let's move the internal"-answer from me, I still gotta think
about it.
The control panel lets you choose between Blue, Red and Teal styles. This forum has a custom style based on Blue so there can be a WC Saga logo on top instead of the standard CIC banner. Forums with a custom style override the user preference. The custom style was automatically applied to the private subforum, but that can be disabled.
gevatter Lars said:
I think we should astablish a permanent base here at CIC.

This is not an issue to be discussed in public. Period.

@Kris: sure, give Starman moderator right :) How should I put this... he deserves them :p