Vice Admiral
Re: To war, or not to war?
Snazzy suits do NOT mean someone is nice. Snazzy suits mean they have a decked out wardrobe. On the topic of snazzy suits, anyone know what notorious political party actualy had movie costume artists design it's uniforms? Anyone?
Given the ammount of shit I've heard come out of the press, and even professors, I'd like to see some proof. And not just a heresay article.
Originally posted by redwolf
And really, from a Western perspective, why should we get rid of Saddam? What finally tilted my opinion against war was the footage I saw of an Arabian conference held recently where the Iraqi and Kuwaiti foreign ministers insulted each other. I was shocked to discover the only one wearing a suit was the Iraqi representative! The only person who was in Western 'dress' was the Iraqi!
To me it would seem that Iraq is more likely to be Westernised and thus rendered pacifist than any other Arab country. It follows that they would be more likely to embrace the freedoms that we in the West take for granted.
Snazzy suits do NOT mean someone is nice. Snazzy suits mean they have a decked out wardrobe. On the topic of snazzy suits, anyone know what notorious political party actualy had movie costume artists design it's uniforms? Anyone?
I think this is really the United States, or more likely, the hawks in President Bush' cabinet trying to clean up their own mess. Many were around during Bush Senior's and Reagan's administrations and now wish to either cover up their involvement or support for Iraq. It should be noted that prior to the invasion of Kuwait in 1990, Iraqi oifficials asked for permission from the US. Surprise, surprise, tacit permission WAS given.
Given the ammount of shit I've heard come out of the press, and even professors, I'd like to see some proof. And not just a heresay article.