Progress Update

Houckiboshi: Glad you liked it!
Grey Ghost: Yeah, the WC1 style will always be first and best, at least to me. I will say, though, that there's absolutely nothing wrong with any of the later art styles - they just got away from the original a bit.
FloundericiousMI: Well, nothing specific right now - Sometime later I was going to look into it and see if I could come up with a good cheap fast method of RPing this guy. Not done any serious research yet.
poopnoodle: Unfortunate name. :( Thanks, though!
Okay - so I got some time this weekend - not much, though. That deadline Joel was talking about hit me pretty hard today and yesterday. I've done the Anti-shipping/planet guns - those are the big bastards in the side pods and to either side of the landing runway. I also got a chance to do a bit of texturing on the pods themselves. I think it turned out pretty well.
Enjoy, and please any feedback at all is welcome!
absolute incredible
but to be honest, even if the new turret are more like the original I do like the first version better.
annyway, carry on
Anyhow, here's something I was playing with last night - Kilrathi taunts.

Wow. Fearsome. Hearing that come over the comms, I might even be a little too scared to laugh uproariously at "Bugs Bunny screws his mother!" in the middle of combat.

Sounds great but comes across a little too clear - I always imagine combat comms sounding a little more scratchy. But if all the combat comms are this clear in-game, better to stay consistent.

I do especially like all the vocal growling and aspirations behind the actual speech - that's a really, really great touch!
TIRex: Yeah, the initial version of the turret was a bit too large - I've since scaled it down to 80% of what it used to be. They're not nearly as distracting now.
Toast: Thanks! I figure it's always good to start with a fairly clear baseline for the comms - that way we can tune up the distortion in real-time based on the situation. And you wouldn't believe how easy those were to put together. you basically just talk in a growly voice into a microphone, and then run 2 filters and blend the result. Sprinkle with big cat noises subtly in the background.
Nomad: Yeah, I know what you mean. I'm more leaning towards not doing that much distortion - at least not at a base level. Having the audio transmissions modulate based on distance from your craft, your damage state, etc.
Okay, so I've done some additional detailing, and gotten to the engines. Looking pretty good, I think. It's sitting at 30K polys - which is quite reasonable for the sheer scale of this thing.
Enjoy, and comments are welcome!
Alright when your done with that one...make one for the WC:CD mod.....Yeaaah and i'm gonna have to have ya come in on saturdaaaaay yeeeeah thanx. :) O(Office space)
First off, the ship looks beautiful. There's nothing better than a Bengal on full attack...

One thing I seems either a tad wide, or a tad short, or maybe the "wings" aren't quite long enough to either side...I can't quite put my finger on it. I know it's a Bengal, and not the Claw, but I just don't remember the hull being quite that wide...

Please understand, I think the design is incredible....
Here's some names idea for you Howard:

TCS Kipling CV-8 (Second Bengal, first to be 690m long, and the 8 is a logical progression from the Claw's 7)

TCS Kyoto CV-9

TCS Eagle's Talon CV-10

TCS Wolfhound CV-11

TCS Trafalgar CV-12

All the names above are from confirmed sources, the registries are my own numbers.

Oh, btw, have you gotten a chance to see my finalized carrier model?
One nitpicky thing...

Is it me or are the dorsal rear left/right defense turrets appear to be too close to the centerline?

If a fighter were approaching from the rear port/starboard quarter on a flat trajectory, they'd appear to have defilade from those guns and any of the forward guns...unless those turrets have some negative elevation ability :)

NEVERMIND...I just clicked on the last linked picture and noticed the HUGE GUNS on the wingtips
:) :p oh well, looks great! :)
Awsome model. just fantastic all around. the best yet in my book. I love how your bridge tower came out- be great to have a front row view of those fighter blasting in and out of the main flightdeck.

TCS Bloodhound
TCS Greyhound
TCS Rottweiler
TCS Labrador........ something K9'ish.
JasonRocz: Heh, I think I'll just stay home sleeping. :D
gevatter Lars: There is a bit of difference - I've added a simulated Detail mapping pass into the texture - This is something we'll do to the model when you get really, really, really close. Keep in mind that these shots are far closer than you'll most likely get in-game, at a far higher resolution. Also, these were just a test, so they don't interact with things like windows and greebles properly.
ELTEE: Thanks! The actual dimensions of the ship are a bit hard to nail down. The first problem is that the original game sprites are not orthographic (they have a bit of perspective in them) this makes it difficult to do straight-line comparisons on the dimensions of various components. The second issue is that they were originally seen at 320x200 full screen on a normal, non-wide screen monitor. This means that the vertical pixel ration was 1.2, not 1 like modern displays. As an example, here's a screen shot from WC1 at a 1.0 pixel ratio:

This is just a normal screen shot. What you might not notice at first glance - especially if you never played the game full screen on a normal (for the time) CRT is that the whole thing is squished vertically. This is what it actually looks like when played:

It may not look like much of a difference, but it's a full 120% taller, and that does affect how the sprites look. Here's a straight capture:

and here's a vertically stretched version:

That's the version I've been modeling to. Of course, this is all a hack - But I have given it at least a little thought. And it is indeed 10M(30 feet) shorter and that does make a difference.
Eder: No one was more surprised than me! I expected at least 50K.
Sylvester: I'd want to check with LOAF first - see if he's got any knowledge of a specific Bengal working in or around the Landreich sectors. That and some of those numbering designations seem a bit iffy - I thought we really didn't have those for more than a couple of the class?
floundericiousMI: Thanks! Yeah, I just added those wing turrets - I had forgotten them for a bit there - but I started in on the engine section and it all came back. The launch tubes are loaded straight off the main flight deck. You can see the reddish openings in the side wall of the main bay. There are elevators down to the lower hangar deck - that's where I imagine the area where the crew chief talks to you after a mission is. Similar situation down there too - the fighters are just placed into the launch tubes, and the blast door closes - and away they go!
Thanks for all the feedback, guys!
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That is really amazing. I have a feeling Pioneer is going to be like the WCs of old and force me to upgrade my computer :p

Ahemm... I think I just....
I think I have to change my underwear...

Great work!
I think there was a list of ships designations and names floating around here. I remember that I printed it out but that was a long time ago and I don't know how correct this list was.