No; The fact that marriage is between a man & a woman is what is causing some enuff consternation to file silly lawsuits in courts.Nemesis said:Oh my! Massachusetts seems set to cause you some consternation then.
No, Quarto's argument is limited because he's dealing with the bottom line issue to "the society" as a whole, in the context of the stability of the family, and thus the society as a whole.And as I?ve previously suggested, the ?argument? has been arbitrarily limited...In sum, a sham argument.
Case in point: If some guy comes after me with a machete, I don't care one whit whether he's doing so because he's thinks I'm an alien reading his brain waves or because he's pissed that I cut in front of him in traffic. Either way, he's goin' down. Simplistic, "arbitrarily limited" reasoning on my part? Sure, but the bottom line remains the same.
'Fraid not...You completely miss the boat there, bub: Gay couples are incapable - on their own - of producing offspring.Excellent case in point?my point, that is. ?Fewer? is irrelevant to the real argument. ?Any? child born to a gay couple improves the birth rate...What?s not to like then? Hmm?
Silly?...This just keeps getting...more and more silly. Now we are to believe that a person who is gay is impotent or barren as the case may be..., exactly which part of "incapable - ON THEIR OWN - of producing offspring" (emphasis added) don't you understand?... Perhaps you need to go back to the "gay couple stranded on a deserted island" example to make things just a tad bit clearer...