Rear Admiral
All I wanna do is be married but religions act like marrage is exclusively theirs and must be protected
The "word" is subject to interpretation
The "word" is subject to interpretation
Actually, I DO have a point, and I thank you for emphasizing that very point your own self:Death said:You might have a point, Preacher, had he actually said anything about "primary means", in regards to whom children are born.
Quarto's comment...sounds nothing like "primary/default means of reproduction".
True, but it's a moot point:...Male couples aren't the only variety of homosexual couples, however.
Indeed; all debate could benefit from a bit more Monty Pythonism.Bandit LOAF said:Ah, intelligent debate.
Marriage may not be "exclusively" the purview of religions (i.e. civil marriage), but that's certainly where it got its start - Adam & Eve were brought together in the first place by God His own Self. And, as has been said elsewhere, the State certainly has a vested interest in protecting the institution of marriage.vindicator said:All I wanna do is be married but religions act like marrage is exclusively theirs and must be protected
Well, the "word" may be, but fortunately the "Word" isn't.The "word" is subject to interpretation
From another angle: Prove to me that (s)he is "straight".Preacher said:I'll believe that on the same day you can show me a day-old infant (better yet, a preemie) and PROVE that same is gay...![]()
I do beleive that I am refering to how people are treated by what they are and *not* why org they may be affiliated with. To even touch on your terrorist comment, is, I think too far off topic and would lead to bad places.Preacher said:So discriminating against, say, terrorists is a violation of human rights, then, eh?...
No, I don't. I mean *any* 1 religion, *any* country. Although I do see the confusion being that this topic does have a specific application.Preacher said:If by "1 religion" you mean the previously cited JudeoChristian faith(s),
I must disagree with you here. My logic goes as such:Preacher said:Well, the "word" may be, but fortunately the "Word" isn't.
It's an equality thing. from here.overmortal said:Why worry about officially being married?
As a way to get around it, Ontario and British Columbia allow gay marriage. If you want it go get itvindicator said:All I wanna do is be married but religions act like marrage is exclusively theirs and must be protected
. . . but the fact remains that there really is no reason whatsoever why society should treat heterosexual and homosexual couples equally.
I'm not saying that folks are "born" one way or another; I was refuting the erroneous idea that *anyone* is "born" gay. More'n likely, one's orientation springs from a combination of inborn and environmental factors, with the edge being environmental factors.sigma_nunki said:From another angle: Prove to me that (s)he is "straight".
Really? Well, a hateful, bitter person could affiliate with Al-Quaeda, Hamas, the KKK, neo-Nazi groups, or just plain be a one-man unaffiliated goon squad... No matter who they do or don't belong to, I'm still gonna "discriminate" against such a person, and it's (as you put it) because of who they *are*. Most folks I know would do the same, and you'd be hard-pressed to find anyone who views *this* type of discrimination as being wrong or immoral in any way.I do beleive that I am refering to how people are treated by what they are and *not* why org they may be affiliated with.
Right. And in this specific application, it would be nigh impossible to prove that the greatness of this country did not spring from the high ideals of its founders. Said ideals were in turn, derived from their deep religious faith, whether a given "founding father" was Catholic, Presbyterian, Jewish, Baptist, Methodist, and so forth.No, I don't. I mean *any* 1 religion, *any* country. Although I do see the confusion being that this topic does have a specific application.
Nope. "We the people" are, well, human, and as such are imperfect and fallible. In order to know the truth, one must be open to it. If one is steeped in sin (as all of us are from birth) and/or denial, one may never reach the point of being open to seeing the truth for what it is, or if they do know, they may nonetheless choose to ignore it (basically an expansion on what I said before).Congecture:
The Word is truth and not subject to interpretation.
Proof by contradicton:
Assume that the Word is truth and not subject to interpretation. Then since the truth is known there would be only one faith, one "interpretation".
But, there are many faiths with very different ideas of what exactly the Word is.
Here we have reached our contradiction. Therefore our original assumption is false.
No. You are very, very, very confused. Even in a democracy, a plane and a boat are not considered equal. One flies but cannot sail (with the exception of flying boats, as I'm sure somebody will point outNemesis said:As far as I’m concerned, and I daresay more than a few others who believe in democracy, you got that ass-backwards. In any given case, it is never the principle of equality, but the policy of discrimination that must be justified.
A society with a birth rate lower than the death rate (and the US, like most of the West, is getting close to this point) is dying - so yes, birth rate is indeed the be-all and end-all for a successful society. There are millions of other factors that can also affect a society, and some of them are just as important as birth rate - but no matter what you do to fix up those other factors, your society still won't be able to get away with a negative birth-death ratio for longer than a few years. You really cannot get "realer" than that.I mean, if we’re really going to presume to talk about social engineering, it’s absurd to suggest that the birth rate alone is the be-all and end-all of a successful society. (What, it would be okay to discriminate against men and women on any basis solely because they have through deficiency, disease, or age lost their reproductive ability?) Let’s get “realer” than that.
Um, I haven't heard of this development...ya got a link to give us for that tidbit?...BlackJack2063 said:...what about the genetic advancements, that allow a womans cells to engineered as sperm, for impregnation.
You are very, very, very confused.
Even in a democracy, a plane and a boat are not considered equal.
If some Pacific archipelago nation declares that it will subsidize boat manufacturers because it needs boats, this is *not* anti-plane discrimination.
It's the same in the case of heterosexual and homosexual couples . . .
. . . a heterosexual marriage serves above all the purpose of creating a family.
A homosexual couple, by definition, is incapable of creating a family. . .
. . . (at least not without the external assistance that Death mentioned earlier - and why should such assistance be offered? That makes about as much sense as giving the Eskimos money to grow bananas, or setting up rice paddies in the middle of the Sahara).
This doesn't make their partnership inferior to a heterosexual marriage (unless you're looking exclusively at reproductive capabilities, of course), but it doesn't make them equal, either.
A society with a birth rate lower than the death rate (and the US, like most of the West, is getting close to this point) is dying - so yes, birth rate is indeed the be-all and end-all for a successful society.
You really cannot get "realer" than that.
Huh?...Nemesis said:But not a homosexual/heterosexual couple? Why are you excepting, and so discriminating against, it?
...and marriage in general - much to the consternation of some - is between one man & one woman. . . a heterosexual marriage serves above all the purpose of creating a family.
Yes, and so does marriage in general.
For the purposes of his argument, a family is that which brings new life/lives into the world with the end result of propagating the species. A stay at home couple (gay or straight) that don't have kids cannot do so. Funny thing, though, but gay couples manage to produce startlingly far fewer offspring than straight couples do...Any stay-at-home couple, by any definition I?ve ever seen, is a family.
The relevant point here, bub, is that they are incapable on their own of PRODUCING offspring...So what you?re saying is that just as the Eskimos won?t be able to grow bananas...a homosexual couple is incapable of raising children? Huh???
vindicator said:You know I think if the churches want to put their two cents in the should pay some form of bussiness taxes instead of building these lavish palaces and pastors that drive lexsus cars and the child molestor relocation program funds...otherwise they should shut up
...and marriage in general - much to the consternation of some - is between one man & one woman
For the purposes of his argument, a family is that which brings new life/lives into the world with the end result of propagating the species.
Funny thing, though, but gay couples manage to produce startlingly far fewer offspring than straight couples do...
The relevant point here, bub, is that they are incapable on their own of PRODUCING offspring...
Quarto said:a plane and a boat are not considered equal. One flies but cannot sail (with the exception of flying boats, as I'm sure somebody will point out), while the other sails but cannot fly
Quarto said:A society with a birth rate lower than the death rate (and the US, like most of the West, is getting close to this point) is dying - so yes, birth rate is indeed the be-all and end-all for a successful society. There are millions of other factors that can also affect a society, and some of them are just as important as birth rate - but no matter what you do to fix up those other factors, your society still won't be able to get away with a negative birth-death ratio for longer than a few years. You really cannot get "realer" than that.
Quarto said:I don't think the plan itself is a good one - most likely, it will indeed result in a larger number of couples getting married, and a larger number of couples staying married. However, it will also result in people staying in bad (or even abusive) marriages just for the sake of the money, or at least in a dramatic fall in divorce rates offset by lots and lots of married couples living in separation. Of course, the government will want to put an end to this kind of marital fraud, and so will hire additional social workers to check on married couples. This money wastage will lead to a larger budget deficit, and sooner or later, to a tax increase. This tax increase will of course convince more people that they cannot afford children, and the falling birth rates will lead to another costly birth rate-boosting initiative, leading to another tax increase, et cetera, et cetera...