Full country name: Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (Luxemburg, Letzeburg)
Area: 2586 sq km (999 sq mi)
Population: 415,870
Capital city: Luxembourg City (pop 90,000)
People: 70% nationals (Celtic stock, with French and German), 30% resident foreigners (mostly Belgian, French, German, Italian and Portuguese)
Language: Luxembourgish (Letzeburgesch), French, German
Religion: 97% Roman Catholic
Government: Constitutional monarchy
President: Grand Duke Jean Prime Minister: Jean-Claude Juncker
Economic Profile
GDP: US$10 billion
GDP per head: US$24,800
Annual growth: 2.6%
Inflation: 3.6%
Major industries: Iron and steel, plastic and rubber, chemicals, mechanical and electrical equipment
Major trading partners: Belgium, France, Germany, the UK