Great work, Standoff team! But a few of my opinions on various issues...
floundericious said: nitpick...and excuse me for being an aggravating nattler about's D-E-F-E-N-S-E, not D-FENCE
Quarto said:
In Standoff, we actually intentionally mix British and American spelling
I noticed that.
I thought the inconsistency was rather odd - I'm not sure if there is some American even in Bradshaw's e-mails. Even more confusing was hearing Bradshaw (Pedro?) mix English and American in his speech...
Quarto said:
On that note, I sure hope everyone appreciates that's a real sax you hear playing, not MIDI.
I did. That was great stuff!
Chernikov said:
I know of the way the guns work... but the bolts move SO SLOWLY.... it draaaags.
I have to agree. Guns on the Gladius seemed to move excruciatingly slow. Was this deliberate? A consequence of the modifications? I can't remember WCP/SO's guns moving so slowly, or even the guns in WC2...
Doringo said:
The pirate 'ending' was a nice touch...
I was terrified when I saw the base exploding immediately afterwards. I felt it wasn't explained well at first - I only understood what was going on when I heard Spoons talking to Bradshaw. Was this also a deliberate decision? Dramatic efftect, perhaps?
Needaham45 said:
I took the original MIDIs, and the first thing I did was arrange them based on the original instrumentation...
Did you change anything since you did the music for UE's simulator music? I thought they sounded quite similar.
In any case, I take back some of my earlier criticism regarding sample quality. The piano for Jazz's Storm Clouds sounded very decent. The music for the credits - was that one of your compositions or one of the others that were mentioned in the credits? - was great too. Also, the instruments for the 'mission complete' music sounded quite clean.
I think the major issue with the MIDI rendering is the percussion. If only you could find a decent drum kit, I think the sound could improve a lot just from that.
I appreciate the effort put into making each ship's cockpit unique, and I understand the desire to recreate the cramped view of WC2's cockpits, but in the end I still leave the cockput struts turned off. I found the game engine's habit of moving the cockpit with every manoeuvre to be very distracting.
Also... the HUDs are huge! Maybe I'm just used to the tiny HUDs which resulted from the high-resolution patch to WCP and SO, but the proportion of screen that the HUDs take is rather large by comparison. I'm guessing again that this is from the desire to recreate the WC2 atmosphere?
Oh, and Q: sorry to hear that you lost your sanity.