
Gee . . thanks.

I was actually counting on this thread to get two replies . . maybe a couple more, but, really, not many at all. I figured people would say "Shut up" (more or less) and that'd be the end of it. Instead, people start actually discussing the topic, and then people insult me. Thanks, asshole. If you don't like my posts, skip 'em. I'm sure you won't miss out on anything important, cowfucker.
overmortal said:
Gee . . thanks.

I was actually counting on this thread to get two replies . . maybe a couple more, but, really, not many at all. I figured people would say "Shut up" (more or less) and that'd be the end of it. Instead, people start actually discussing the topic, and then people insult me. Thanks, asshole. If you don't like my posts, skip 'em. I'm sure you won't miss out on anything important, cowfucker.

If you probaly hadn't realized this yet, I was not only joking, but also personally testing you (just me, not the CIC moderators because I am not one and in no way have any influence over your fate on this board) to see if you learned anything or matured up after being forced to "swab da deck" last time. I know you are out of high school and you are in college, so maybe the letter "F" would be familiar to you as far as this test is concerned :(

psych, the (the following words I must thank the newest CIC newbies for bestowing me these honorable words) asshole dum idiot cowfucker from Texas who just bitches and yells.
I'll be honest, I was prepared to write a long, drawn out essay in response to your 'test', but, when I thought about it, that's exactly what you'd want. More fodder.

Well, here's your fodder, sir: . . .
First of all, I'm not taking anyone's side here. Now, I know what it's like when someone is having a go at you. It's something I have faced most of my life. When I was gone I came across this piece here on dealing with Internet trolls (bullies and their ilk), and I thought it would be good to put up here.


I know what you mean. There have been times when I wanted to hurt someone as well. Thankfully, I have a few tricks up my sleeve instead.

No, I don't. That's just me releasing all the unrealeased anger built up over three years of posting here. :)
Wedge009 said:
An interesting read, Phil.

I think it's required reading for all Internet users. There are things in there some people wouldn't know about. For me, there was certainly things in there that have caused me to come back and show that I will not allow trolls to get to me. Armed with this information, I feel a lot more confident to speak my mind and face any reprocussions my words might have than I would have two of three months ago.
Wedge009 said:

No, I don't. That's just me releasing all the unrealeased anger built up over three years of posting here. :)

That's it? ALL of it? :eek:
I'll be honest, I only read half of that thing before I got bored with it. Sorry.

I'm not calling anyone a troll. I actually enjoy reading Psych's posts. I just find it rather odd that he suddenly finds me worthy of a "test". At any rate, I chose not to post the big, long essay I'd written because, honestly, if someone wants to dissapprove of me, that's their choice, and it's not my job to win everyone's approval. . . after all, I spend most of my time on this board being a grade-A asshole.
This isn't directed at anyone in particular, but I just love hiw you can attach files. It allows me to do things like this. :p


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One thing a lot of people don't know about the way I post is that when I post something, there is a deeper meaning behind it and legitimate motivation behind why I did it. It's something I've learned from being around in the WC community since 1996. A lot of older CIC guys and Aces know that I've done a lot for the fan-community and that I'm as much a "Been There Done That" that a non-CIC staffer can get, but some of the newer CIC members (if you like to know what I used to do, PM me) and newbie trolls just think I'm just some joe who signed on May 2003. That suits me just fine, I like the element of surprise when they are caught in my L-shaped ambush.

The reason why I did it is because people can just come back and say "I'll be good!" then after a few days everything goes back to shit. Remember that a candle flickers violently in the beginning before dying out. Overmortal, acting like a newbie, was forced to swab the deck. He made his repentence and was restored to full member status. Lately I been tracking his posts and saw that there was a hint of his attitude coming back, to the point in which another CIC forum vet replied "Please, don't be stupid." I gave him a couple of days and then decided to knock him off-balance when he was posting something in a calm thread, when he least expected it. Just to see how he acted to the pressure.

So what did come out of this? At least Overmortal can now see where he stands in relation to what he was before. Something he can put to better improvement of his reputation here.
overmortal said:
. . . after all, I spend most of my time on this board being a grade-A asshole.

Despite your wonderful idea, and careful following of my posts in the concerns of my well-being, my mission on this board has always been (and, most likely always will be) to have fun doing what I do best: being an asshole.

I won't go into a long dissertation in a post here (if you want to discuss such things, IM me on AIM. My sn is 'overmortal'. . . easy enough), but I will say this: There most certainly is more to me than what you see here. But, at the same time, while I'm posting on this board, you see of me only what I want you to see: asshole (with the neccessary appearance of a WC enthusiast, which is genuine).

I have made it a point not to go into my political views, religious beliefs (unless I just lost my head and posted something without thinking . . quite possible), or other such mature/worthwhile things on this board. I took a blind step in talking about a handful of disturbing dreams I had, and I suppose I deserved your "L-shaped ambush" for breaking character. Sorry. I'll be more careful next time not to appear as if I have something mature/worthwhile to say. At least then you'll have another "newbie" to ruin the shit of. Enjoy.

On a related note, I'm not intentionally giving off the impression of a cry-baby pussy. I realize that my responses may seem kurt and/or bitter. Sorry.
Since you hadn't read all of the Trolls thing I put up, just some food for thought from it.

"Why Do They Do It?

Regular net users know how delightful it is when somebody responds to something they have written. It is a meeting of the minds, which is an intellectual thrill, but it is also an acknowledgement of one's value — and that can be a very satisfying emotional reward.

Trolls crave attention, and they care not whether it is positive or
negative. They see the Internet as a mirror into which they can gaze in narcissistic rapture."
I agreed, when I was unbanned, not to be TOO bad of an asshole, and to try and limit random acts of assholeness to the OTZ. The only other time I'm an asshole is when someone really needs a good dose . . . kinda like the "If you were a pilot, you'd say this shit" thread. Or explaining that, if your flying is THAT bad, you're a pussy and shouldn't be flying (more than one thread for that one).

Btw, did anyone actually see the post I got banned for . . aside from Loaf?
Nope. Don't think so at least. But it's probably best to not carry on with the topic. Least LOAF gets you booted from the boards in a matchbox.