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The effectiveness of pestering is directly proportional to how long it has been since a staff member last posted on the forum. :p
Also, there are good and bad ways of pestering :p. When I read some anonymous guy yelling "HURRY UP", I get more irritated than motivated...
Dear Standoff Team,

Standoff is amazing. My quality of life has been improved by its existence. However the suspense of episode 5 is literally killing me. Please finish soon, as the doctors do not expect me to hold out much longer if I keep wai
Apologies guys.

I just fear that with the impending release of FM09 my gaming time slots will be severely depleted.
Also, there are good and bad ways of pestering :p. When I read some anonymous guy yelling "HURRY UP", I get more irritated than motivated...

I don't know about that one. My inbox filled up last night with bug reports from you. :D

They are building and I'm flying so progress is getting made...if I could just get Q to stop shooting down all my notes I've sent him :)
Home stretch, guys!

I mean, c'mon - wouldn't you rather spend New Year's differently than you did last time? ;)

*projecting only the best thoughts at team Standoff*
Hehe, we surely would ;).

But no, at this stage a December release is looking highly unlikely at best, unfortunately. Various team members - me included - have been finding it rather difficult to spend time on Standoff lately. The past two weeks or so, only Eder has been working full blast - well, Eder and the testers, who, ironically, have time, but little new stuff to test.

On my part, I plan to launch a new Standoff offensive next week (and lasting for about two weeks), to catch up with the bugs reported by the testers, produce another new mission or two, and produce a new package for our testers to play with.

Also next week, Eder and I are planning a website update. I can tell you right now that one item will be turning blue (cutscene voiceovers) - actually, it's been blue for over a month now, we just hadn't gotten around to doing an update ;). Additional videos and additional graphics are also hanging in the balance - the former will most certainly turn green by then, and may be hovering on the edges of blue, while the latter is already rather bluish, and the only thing that's stopped it from being completed so far is that in the past few weeks, I haven't had time to work out with Eder what we want done with those last remaining graphics items.

I don't want to talk too much about progress here, or else we won't have anything to mention in the actual news update, but I can tell you that of the other items, missions are also progressing (though nowhere, nowhere, nowhere near as fast as they should). Voiceovers are kinda at a standstill, but I plan to change that next week also - since Tempest has been horridly busy (or lazy, difficult to tell :p) lately, I'll be contacting our actors about filling up the remaining new roles, and, if necessary, asking for more volunteers, as well.
Not too much teasing in there - sounds like a substantive, serious update. Thanks!

Standoff aside, I hope you all have a happy and indulgent holiday season. The Christmas music has hit the airwaves, so I think it's official. the pester-banter going on here.

Seriously guys, I was loving seeing that most of the bars are in the Completed phase. We've all waited some time, we can wait as long as we need to, right?

Y'all are awesome. What makes you awesome is the fact that Standoff is great. And free. And freely great.



Have a good one, folks.
Yay, we've just posted a news update. So, you see, we are indeed making progress ;).

(I gotta say, personally I find it rather frustrating how the sheer number of missions makes it so hard to make missions change colour on the progress page - I mean, I started and virtually finished an entire mission this week, but I got nothing to show for it. Gotta make more, more more... :p )
I'm doing my best to pester the guys when you guys aren't as well. :D

Lots of progress has been made and I'm sure by now Quarto is ready to be done with me, since I bother him non-stop about new versions and missions to test.

I kind of like taking some time though, it's all the longer I hold the remaining sim mission high scores :D
a quick question

so i was playing chapter 4 of stand off and i knoticed that my kill board reset after the mission when u just commander the saber wanted to know if this was a glitch u were aware of i went from about 265 kills down to 65 wonderd if any one else expirenced this,i lost my pw and user name so im doing this as a guest but my email is
Hmm, are you sure? Double check on this because I don't think it's actually possible for the game to do that :)
It's not a bug that we've encountered before... if you save your current game, load a previous one from before that mission, and play again from there, does it happen again?

That is indeed a weird bug, because we haven't done anything to the way the player kill count works compared to WCP/SO.
re: new screenshots

"30 seconds remaining? Remain in range until scan ends?"

In a Stiletto?

Near flak guns?

I suppose as long as the mission objectives don't include stripping out turrets while you're at it...
I guess since we don't get Wing Commander Standoff Ep. 5 as a Christmas gift, I'll just have to fly missions in my imagination. Hopefully you guys can get inspired, imagine some, and make them! Hopefully Christmas 2009 I'll be saving Earth.
re: new screenshots

"30 seconds remaining? Remain in range until scan ends?"

In a Stiletto?

Near flak guns?

I suppose as long as the mission objectives don't include stripping out turrets while you're at it...

"Oh the places you'll go!" - Dr. Seuss
