Hehe, we surely would
But no, at this stage a December release is looking highly unlikely at best, unfortunately. Various team members - me included - have been finding it rather difficult to spend time on Standoff lately. The past two weeks or so, only Eder has been working full blast - well, Eder and the testers, who, ironically, have time, but little new stuff to test.
On my part, I plan to launch a new Standoff offensive next week (and lasting for about two weeks), to catch up with the bugs reported by the testers, produce another new mission or two, and produce a new package for our testers to play with.
Also next week, Eder and I are planning a website update. I can tell you right now that one item will be turning blue (cutscene voiceovers) - actually, it's been blue for over a month now, we just hadn't gotten around to doing an update
. Additional videos and additional graphics are also hanging in the balance - the former will most certainly turn green by then, and may be hovering on the edges of blue, while the latter is already rather bluish, and the only thing that's stopped it from being completed so far is that in the past few weeks, I haven't had time to work out with Eder what we want done with those last remaining graphics items.
I don't want to talk too much about progress here, or else we won't have anything to mention in the actual news update, but I can tell you that of the other items, missions are also progressing (though nowhere, nowhere, nowhere near as fast as they should). Voiceovers are kinda at a standstill, but I plan to change that next week also - since Tempest has been horridly busy (or lazy, difficult to tell
) lately, I'll be contacting our actors about filling up the remaining new roles, and, if necessary, asking for more volunteers, as well.