Now the game just goes... CRASH! here is the code of it
dofile "flightcommander.lua"
function Uniden()
anything wrong with it? (there must be or I would be posting it
Here is the mission (since eddieb requires it to help solve it)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mission name = "" sector="blue" can_eject="false" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="mission.xsd">
<navpoints number="2">
<navpoint numships="11" numwaves="1">
<ship name="midway" pilot="Uniden" comm="casey" video="helmet" autopilot="false" alignment="friend" wave="0" scriptid="uniden">
<point x="1808.1301" y ="0.0" z ="-1495.9349" />
<point x="0.0" y ="213.0" z ="0.0" />
<script oncreate="Uniden" />
<ship name="panther" pilot="player" comm="" video="" autopilot="true" alignment="friend" wave="0">
<point x="16.02671" y ="0.0" z ="40.066776" />
<point x="0.0" y ="0.0" z ="0.0" />
<ship name="tigershark" pilot="Cerberus Escort" comm="maniac" video="helmet" autopilot="true" alignment="friend" last_autopilot_nav="1" wave="0">
<point x="-69.44908" y ="0.0" z ="-50.75125" />
<point x="0.0" y ="0.0" z ="0.0" />
<ship name="tigershark" pilot="Cerberus Escort" comm="maestro" video="helmet" autopilot="true" alignment="friend" last_autopilot_nav="1" wave="0">
<point x="104.17362" y ="0.0" z ="-40.066776" />
<point x="0.0" y ="0.0" z ="0.0" />
<ship name="sar" pilot="Shuttle One" comm="midway" video="helmet" autopilot="true" must_survive="true" alignment="friend" last_autopilot_nav="1" wave="0">
<point x="69.44908" y ="0.0" z ="-181.63606" />
<point x="0.0" y ="0.0" z ="0.0" />
<ship name="sar" pilot="Shuttle Two" comm="midway" video="helmet" autopilot="true" must_survive="true" alignment="friend" last_autopilot_nav="1" wave="0">
<point x="-42.737896" y ="0.0" z ="-170.95158" />
<point x="0.0" y ="0.0" z ="0.0" />
<ship name="sar" pilot="Shuttle Three" comm="stiletto" video="helmet" autopilot="true" must_survive="true" alignment="friend" last_autopilot_nav="1" wave="0">
<point x="13.355593" y ="0.0" z ="-267.11185" />
<point x="0.0" y ="0.0" z ="0.0" />
<ship name="shrike" pilot="Mage" comm="stiletto" video="helmet" autopilot="true" alignment="friend" last_autopilot_nav="1" wave="0">
<point x="130.88481" y ="0.0" z ="-293.82303" />
<point x="0.0" y ="0.0" z ="0.0" />
<ship name="shrike" pilot="Shrike 2" comm="maestro" video="helmet" autopilot="true" alignment="friend" last_autopilot_nav="1" wave="0">
<point x="208.34724" y ="0.0" z ="-347.2454" />
<point x="0.0" y ="0.0" z ="0.0" />
<ship name="shrike" pilot="Shrike 1" comm="maniac" video="helmet" autopilot="true" alignment="friend" last_autopilot_nav="1" wave="0">
<point x="72.1202" y ="0.0" z ="-355.25876" />
<point x="0.0" y ="0.0" z ="0.0" />
<ship name="vampire" pilot="Saviour" comm="maestro" video="helmet" autopilot="true" alignment="friend" last_autopilot_nav="1" wave="0">
<point x="229.71619" y ="0.0" z ="-165.60934" />
<point x="0.0" y ="0.0" z ="0.0" />
<navpoint numships="6" numwaves="1">
<ship name="cstarbase" pilot="" comm="" video="" autopilot="false" alignment="friend" wave="0">
<point x="-141.56927" y ="0.0" z ="-571.6194" />
<point x="0.0" y ="0.0" z ="0.0" />
<ship name="cstarbase" pilot="" comm="" video="" autopilot="false" alignment="friend" wave="0">
<point x="291.15192" y ="0.0" z ="-320.5342" />
<point x="0.0" y ="0.0" z ="0.0" />
<ship name="cstarbase" pilot="" comm="" video="" autopilot="false" alignment="friend" wave="0">
<point x="389.9833" y ="0.0" z ="-697.1619" />
<point x="0.0" y ="0.0" z ="0.0" />
<ship name="crelay" pilot="" comm="" video="" autopilot="false" alignment="friend" wave="0">
<point x="-681.1352" y ="0.0" z ="-718.5309" />
<point x="0.0" y ="0.0" z ="0.0" />
<ship name="cerberus" pilot="Cerberus" comm="" video="" autopilot="false" alignment="friend" wave="0">
<point x="-50.75125" y ="0.0" z ="2.6711185" />
<point x="0.0" y ="0.0" z ="0.0" />
<ship name="cerberus" pilot="Unamed Quick Strike Carrier (unmaned)" comm="" video="" autopilot="false" land="true" alignment="friend" wave="0">
<point x="-627.7128" y ="0.0" z ="-299.16528" />
<point x="0.0" y ="0.0" z ="0.0" />