New cockpits!

No, it's way cheaper than that. :p The nephilim ships that "dock" with each other to form a different ship are something we haven't had much success messing around with, I'm afraid...

We could probably do something like making three harmless, uncollidable ships dock every now and then to form a solid, aggressive ship, but we can't make visual changes to ships on-the-fly, based on AI decisions. So whenever the ships decided to dock, we would have no way of telling them to become visible.

The great trick about our Shok'lar code is that the code knows when the ships are going to cloak/decloak, so that we can play the appropriate animations in due time. The catch here is that Pierre's brilliant code nicely hides the fact that it's all controlled, giving players the feeling that the AI is using the cloaking functions naturally.
I can't wait... all this sounds really cool

By the way, I never saw anything about planetary battles in this engine