New Capship

Sylvester said:
and if i could include pictures, looks cooler than the Vesuvius Class.


You yell "TAKE ME SERIOUSLY!" then you say THAT? Don't worry though, when you'll get over the age-old "uber ship" syndrom after a while (hopefully).
I like it . . . definitely a throwback to the venerable Concordias of old, has a little of a mini-Vesuvius look though. The stacked flight decks bother be though, one the top hangers deck (the bottom hangers ceiling) doesn;t look very sturdy. Second, it seems that an accident or a crashs could easily shut down both hangers.
Otherwise I say it has promise :)

This isn't a Wing Commander design.

This is just some generic fan-made design someone made and then at the last minute, slapped on the "Wing Commander" logo.

Know the distinctions between the two, because one of them determines if you are an assclown.
psych said:
This isn't a Wing Commander design.

This is just some generic fan-made design someone made and then at the last minute, slapped on the "Wing Commander" logo.

Know the distinctions between the two, because one of them determines if you are an assclown.

You do realize that assclowns don't usually know how to tell the diff, right?

Besides, that was a flying box. My idea of a carrier's more the Tiger's Claw from WC1 or the Midway from WC4. :D
Haesslich said:
You do realize that assclowns don't usually know how to tell the diff, right?

You got a point man. Sylvester (following in the tradition of other assclowns such as Iceblade, etc etc) will be responding that I'm too mean, too critical, and not sensitive to his needs. :(

And look, he even changed his profile. He took the year of his birthdate out so no one else would see the fact that he is a strapping 15-year old lad attending Harvey Milk High School, studying the principles of engineering in high school.

Which is totally presposterious because the only thing even remotely related to engineering is algebra 1, which only related to any engineering related academica because it is a math. And assuming he even gets into an engineering program at any college, he is going to drop out anyway. Along with the other 50% of his classmates.
Insert lame-ass, generic hateful remark from psych. I'd say it is a WC-based design, just the look of it can tell you that. Just because someone turns a little of their time to model something that isn't seen/described in WC games/fiction doesn't mean its not interesting to think about. Just because it may be ill-conceived, structurally faulty, operationally challanged or any other deficiency, at least thier valuable time was spent on something considering WC. Just because you don't agree with something doesn't mean you have to go shoot your mouth off and discourage newer members of any community from taking part. Criticism is one thing, being an ass is another :(

If you think I am just generic and hateful, I will explain it more throughly in your language (and paste from one of my previous post, when I was dealing with assclown Iceblade).

I've been part of the WC community since 1996, and almost every WC fan design I've seen has been utter crap. And the sad fact is they are constructed by young, idealistic, overly enthusiastic teenagers who have done no research, have no respect for what they were already given, and has a "this game design sucks, I can do better!" mentality that makes me sick.

Because . . . the majority of WC fan designers are like viruses. They infect the WC community with their enthuasiastic "I didn't think the Midway was powerful enough, so I made a much better one to kick its ass!" They persuade symphatizers to say "ooooohh, their designs show that they are true WC fans just like me" :rolleyes:

I've though about this for the past umm . . . seven years. Why some people are too inclined towards making their own designs? Why do they hate Wing Commander so much, to the point in that they shun what they are given and take matters to their own hands? I've thought alot about this and made up some theory to try to explain all of this. Some might agree with me, but then again, some might be angry at me. For some people, sometimes the truth hurts.

Your average Wing Commander player tends (not all) to be in his teens and most of them male. Not to say that all teenagers are of this quality, but the teenage years are the period in which he starts to form a rebellious nature. Some learn to put discipline first priority and doesn't let this get to them. But for a few, this escalates to the point that he has no respect for authority and therefore is not bound by rules of anyone else. Not to say that this applies to everyone, but this type of behavior might coincides with increased trouble with parents and increased insubordination to anyone who gives him rules or boundaries that he must operate/live in.

Back to the Wing Commander player. He plays the games, reads the novels. To a few people, a game is just something that is bought to be played. He doesn't comprehend the amount of work and effort the Origin staff puts into designing these vessels. He would fly a fighter and go "ha! that design sucked!" or "ha! that fighter was too slow!" or "I hate this fighter, it looks like a shitbird!". He thinks that the fighter sucking adheres to the quality of the people who designed it. If, let's say for example. . . the Hellcat sucks (not that I think it does), then the people who designed it must suck too. Afterall, our friend thinks "how can such stupid people design a fighter so pathetic?"

With this disdain and lack of respect towards the people who made this game and art, his youthful enthusiasm starts to inflate his ego. He goes, "Man, why does Origin make this crap? I can do better!" So he starts drawing sketches in class, in his spare time. He bitches about how some of the fighters are underarmed, so he gives his fighters more weaponry because he thinks his fighter can beat those crappy ones that were in the game. He tries to bump it up, take this design to the next level.

He gives it superstats, because he knows that he is designing the fighter and he assumes that the quality of the fighter's ability to win in combat is directly related to his own ability. He is afraid that if the fighter sucks, then he sucks, because he designed the fighter in the first place. If he is going to show it to everyone else, he has to make it look good, for fear that people will say "ha! this design sucks! it's too slow/underarmed/armored!". He's afraid to have criticism and face the possbility that his creative ability sucks.

Now he is faced with a dilemma. Some of the weapons shown in the WC games are too pussy for him. They don't fire fast enough, they aren't powerful enough. He hates the reason why mainstay fighters use mediocre weapons and why only the better ones use weaponry. So he says, "if the weapons suck, I'll create my own!" He'll design something like "gatling fusion cannon", with 1000cm damage for each shot and a refire rate of .01 seconds. He'll change the power supply to very little, so it'll show everyone how much of a badass he is.

Now he has to justify the reason to use his new design or weapons. He says he wants to broaden his horizons in search of intellectual and artistic diversity. He wants to advertise that he is trying to "Expand the Wing Commander universe!" He tries to say, "I want to see new ideas from other people!" when he posts on the forums. He tries to justify screwing the Wing Commander universe for the pursuit of artistic knowledge. He tries to make up some excuse to bash Origin, saying how their fighters, and designs suck and therefore, his design is better.

When other people tell him that this isn't Wing Commander but a design created in his own mind (Wing Commander is in fact, an imaginary universe that was the creation of Chris Roberts), he gets emotional as if someone skinned his dog and chopped him up to pieces in real life. He calls them close-minded, rigid, inflexible. He then whines about how these people forbid ANY designs in any future mods or artwork. He says these people are blocking the pursuit of new artistic Wing Commander design, which he interprets as blocking the pursuit of knowledge and other intellectual qualities.

It's a cycle with people of their kind. When one pops up and dissapears, another one takes its place. It's been happening for the past 8 years.
Stealth_C^ said:
Ever thought of perhaps ignoring people who make their own little designs?

Even if one ignores a virus when it has embedded itself in their body, you still get sick over it.
For some reason I just have doubts that Sylvester believes that Origin is a bunch of morons that cant design for shit. I'll like him answer that himself though.
Look, nobody really cares how educated someone is . . . I've met 15 year olds that are more gorounded than 30 year olds I hang out with (does htat say something about me ;) ). It boils down to a few things for me. You, IIRC are an aeronautical Engineer, I'm sure you could design a flying surface and put it on a fighter design and justify your reasons better than anyone. I'm an electrical engineer, I could design and construct the electronics in your fighter better than you could, but I sure as hell can't do any of the surfaces work you can do. I can't model in 3D, so any 3D model I see really excites me. I wonder how its done and am amazed at how easy it comes to some people. I don;t like discouraging a person who does something they have fun with and something that brings me a little joy.
So, you hate everything that isn't canon in the WC universe? So all these wonderful fan projects that we are being furnished with are rubish and do nothing to expand the WC community? The original games are fine, they are wonderful but they do not a whole universe make. They leave large gaps that inquisitive and creative people like to try and fill with their own ideas gleamed from other WC sources (like how Everything from WC3 to WCATV to the WCM can be fit into one universe, I love those discussions). I also do not like 'uber' ships, but I do like when people try to fill the gaps that WC games have. I like the idea of someone taking a guess as to what a smaller fleet carrier looks like in Prophecy (which is what I'm assuming the modeller in this thread was trying to do), or what a Confed corvette design may look like in WC2 or 3. It takes a little imagination to try and come up with something from very little details and an overall concept of a ship and then try to design it. I for one don;t like to discourage that.
If its true and this 'newbie' infusion happens in cycles (I don;t know, I've only been a part of this community for about 2 years) then why say anything about it? Won;t it just go away by itself? Or does it take a few kind words from someone to motivate them not to come back? I just really like the growth of the WC community I've seen over the past few years, and I don;t want to see newer people ran off because their ideas don;t seem to mesh to well with those who have already put their time in.
Sorry a bunch of disjointed ideas but thats how I think on the fly and I've got to go back to work.

Considering how Sylvester is no different then the other young overly enthusiastic teenagers who have tried to make fan designs over the years, I've already predicted his general responce. He will respond with one or a combination of the following, in tradition that others have said when I too confronted them in the past:

1) Hey dumbass, I wasn't talking to you! This isn't your business!
2) But I loooooooooove Wing Commander, I'm just a fan just like you!!!!!! I LoVe Wc!!! WC rUleZ!!!!!!
3) You are close minded! Intolerant bigot!
4) Fine, all new WC designs are now forbidden by your rule!
5) What the fuck, someone is talking shit to me. This place sucks!
6) I'm expanding the Wing Commander universe. This is all about . . . expanding and enhancing!!!!

Also, check out my three categories of WC fan stuff in this thread. I have no problem with fan designs, as long as they don't conflict and as long as they fill in the gaps created by the canon. In fact, I liked Lynx's heavy cruiser design. It was something we didn't see, it was true to WC,and something that is a good candidate for the TCS Austin.

Don't get me wrong. Sometimes you have to be creative. Wing Commander is a phenomenon that sometimes leaves gaps open. It is the responsibility of a WC fan artist or a mod maker to fill in these gaps. But to find out what designs need to be made, requires extensive knowledge and research to find out what is needed or what is not. Immature delusions along the lines of "this fighter sucks! I can make something better!" does not satisfy these requirements. (took from one of my old posts).

And I don't have a job as an aeronautical engineer, even though that was my background. My future job (which I am shipping out about early next year) is about the farthest one can get from academia, and far much physical and dangerous.
I think that origin has made wondeful designs for WC. i'm just tryng to compliment with my designs to fill in the gaps. If you look through this thread. You will find that my first ship was idiotic as well as my second but my third ship the Enterprise Class CV is designed to be a fleet carrier for the WCP universe b\c at that time we only have a megacarrier (Midway), a heavy carrier(Vesuvius) and a light carrier (Hades) so my ship fills the gap inbetween the Hades and Vesuvius. I also produced some well thought out crusier and destroyer designs that you can take a look at. i'm not trying to contradict canon, I'm trying to supplement it.
Sylvester said:
I think that origin has made wondeful designs for WC. i'm just tryng to compliment with my designs to fill in the gaps. If you look through this thread. You will find that my first ship was idiotic as well as my second but my third ship the Enterprise Class CV is designed to be a fleet carrier for the WCP universe b\c at that time we only have a megacarrier (Midway), a heavy carrier(Vesuvius) and a light carrier (Hades) so my ship fills the gap inbetween the Hades and Vesuvius. I also produced some well thought out crusier and destroyer designs that you can take a look at. i'm not trying to contradict canon, I'm trying to supplement it.

I have a term for what you just said. It's called "bullshit". Your so called "Fleet carrier" is almost the size of the Vesuvius-class. Plus explain to me how Confed has the funds to build these 21 ships of your "Fleet carrier" class, the Concordia-class carriers you are lying when you say "supplement" when what you really want to do is replace it (same as your heavy cruiser and destroyer wants to replace the Murphy and the Plunkett-class), the Vesuvius-class ships that already cost the resources of at least 3-4 carriers to build in the first place, plus the Midway-class megacarriers which are being built because of the obsolesence and old age of the Confed carrier fleet, which you are already contradicting when you decided to build more fleet carriers. Explain to me how Confed can get funds to make all of these vessels, other then the lame "a lot can happen in 10 years!" I've heard over the times.

Your "well-thought" out designs are also . . . crap. Your heavy cruiser has less weaponry then a Plunkett class, yet you want it to replace it . . . Already your corvette has more turrets then a Murphy-class, but of course you did that, because you already disliked how little turrets it had so you made a smaller ship with more turrets, because you wanted it to be better then what Origin made.

If you really hate Wing Commander this much, I would suggest you sign up for the Wing Commander Aces club. They are a club that emphasizes on open-mindedness, diversity, and the "expansion" of new ideas and concepts. Your unrealistic designs will mix well with the spanking new Border World supercarriers and uberfighters (and they got $ to fund them because "a lot" has happened in 10 years), new military factions created just for the sake of creating one, Corporations that try to take over the universe, Confed Marines in mech-warrior battle suits, and other young youthful enthusiastic teenagers who post 50 messages everyday. They will embrace you there, assclown.
I have made a design for a frigate.

Class: Frigate
Length: 500 meters
Max Speed: 280 Kps
Y/P/R: 7/7/7 deg/s
Armament: . Dual Laser Turret (2) Laser Turret (3) 2x2 IR Missiles
Shields: Phase
Bridge Armor:2000 Cm
Engine Armor:2000 Cm
Turret Armor:800 Cm
Core Strenght:3000 Cm
Jump Capable:Yes
500m long. That's one frigate. :rolleyes:

Frigates are supposed to be smaller than destroyers. Yours is almost as long as a Tallahassee cruiser.