Lightning in bottles

Umm, if he's banned, how the hell is he supposed to respond to your asking why? :p
As for the anime thing, I believe that's Raven from "Cowboy Bebop"... one of the few anime shows I'll watch.(Usually, it's out of insomnia and boredom. Can't watch CNN ALL the time!)
Sylvester said:
What the Hell?! Phillip, why are you banned?

Because he did . . . ah hell, I'll let Colin Powell say it. He's better in public speaking then I.


And Manic, that guy from Bebop is Vicious.
Umm, thn how come he created a thread today (9/20) in OFF TOPIC ZONE that deals with mortal combat if hes banned?
Sylvester said:
Umm, thn how come he created a thread today (9/20) in OFF TOPIC ZONE that deals with mortal combat if hes banned?
Ummm, that thread was created on the 20th which was 5 days ago, not today. But I like the space-time anomoly explanation better so we'll go with that.

I just kinda like how a thread that I started has gone this far . . . I feel special . . . or especially hated . . I can't tell the difference here.
No . . . no, I think this one is 'especially hated'. Darn the luck and all. Great pic, though. Zing, and whatnot.
The 70s remake of Invasion Of The Body Snatches. Pictured: Donald Sutherland.