I agree with what LeHah says completely about the X-Box, the content for it just stinks. Most of the games you can get on another system - and all of them are available in some form on PC.
The only reason to get an Xbox is if you're a Star Wars Fan with a cheap computer. Battlefront, Republic Commando, and the KOTOR series all are available for the X-Box, but not any other consoles.
Myself, I prefer largely the PS consoles over the Xbox, but for Star Wars gaming...
Anyway, I spent some time playing KOTOR II and found the interface to clunky for my use. In KOTOR the interface was so simple and intuitive I didn't have any problems learning how it worked, but in KOTOR II I played the tutorial through twice and still never figured it out. In addition, though the increased character interfaction was nice, the plot seemed to drag more then the original, and it did very much feel like a rushed game.
I never ended up finishing it - probably never will - but I play KOTOR still all the time, even though I've beaten it with probably every combination of endings possible. I will always love KOTOR, and I appreciate that they tired again with KOTOR II, but it really doesn't hold its own when compared to the original.
The Dark Forces series was okay, I agree, until it got to Outcast. Outcast just felt like a remake of the SW Novels....Evil Imperial on the Rise...threatening the Jedi Academy...
I think Jedi Academy had a slightly better plot and the ability to create your own Jedi was neat too. In addition, outfitting characters for the missions was fun as well. I enjoyed Outcast, and I think it's truly a fun game to play - but it's not as challenging as Jedi Knight, the puzzles aren't as good, and let's face it, dueling in Jedi Knight was TOUGH. Outcast seems to just be a massive click fest.
Multiplayer wise I don't think they hold up either...in Jedi Knight you had a slew of weapons at your disposal, and the Lightsaber wasn't the all powerful weapon Outcast made it out to be. Outcast multiplayer matches tend to be dominated by lightsaber wielding people who never pick up a good blaster. Still, if you get a few of your friends on the same server with a few Imperial Repeaters...but as Monkey Island would say, I digress.
I think Academy, in addition to the customizable characters, better adjusted for the Star Wars universe. Part of this is that it IS the Academy, you get sent on missions. You go places, and uncover things. The randomness of each map being on a differant planet makes a bit more sense, instead of having to piece together various environments (like the original Jedi Knight did...that plot didn't flow so much as it skipped from one place to another).
Probably why I enjoyed Academy more - the feeling of being a single Jedi sent out on a mission to do something is a pleasent one, and connects more with what we see in the books and movies.
What I'd really like to see is some sort of game - not online, mind you - that mixes and matches the parts of the Star Wars universe that we see...something where you need a lightsaber a blaster and an X-Wing to get you to the end of the game. IMO that's what's really holding back the Games from fitting into the EU...though I was encouraged by the inclusion of Kyle Katarn in the NJO and post NJO series of books, not only as a character but as a Jedi Master on the Council. NJO even brought back Keyen Farlander from the X-Wing Strategy Guide & Farlander Papers. I know people hate NJO and I'm not trying to start a discussion - just mentioning it in the context of how Star Wars games fit into the Star Wars universe, and the EU as a whole.
Most people don't know but KOTOR actually follows a comic book series set around the same time (4000 years BBY) that covers the rise and fall of the Sith Empire and explains the backstory for that Darker Side of the Force. KOTOR, I think, did a good job of capturing that era and that feeling, as well as the general feelings of the Jedi order, and what being a Jedi is all about...KOTOR II just felit like a cheap attempt to capitalize on the sucess of KOTOR, and rather then fitting with the SW universe or even contributing something useful to the Story it felt like a way to tie up loose ends rather then give us something more, something new.
I don't know - maybe it's just me.