Daniken? Never heard of it!
There is simply too much evidence that points to visits from byond. Something took place all those centuries ago. What is most disturbing about it is that there has been and continues to go on today, an effort by not just the US Gov, but others around the world working with the US Gov to hide or discredit the evidence. What for? Why deny what is a part of mankinds history to modern man? Do they really think the general public cant handle it? Back in the 50's after the Roswell thing, maybe it would have been true then, dealing with the threat of nuclear war, it was easy for the population to be afraid of almost anything. But to continue a lie for over 50 years is crazy!
The idea of having the Air Force as a "space defense" force is plain "STUPID". Quote from a former KGB agent> "If these creatures from outer space, are armed with weapons unknown to humans, all these anti-ballistic missiles may be of no use, we do not know what they possess". In other words, our hardware will be useless, that includes the Air Force hardware, Navy, Marines, Army, you name it. If they seriously think their oil based machinery will be able to defend Earth against hardware powered by energies far greater than what oil can do, there isnt any hope! Before any of the branches of military can defend us against an outer world power, they better start working with hydrogen power and start developing shield technology and eliminate the use of rockets. If they (aliens) can get here from another star, that means their technology is so far advanced from ours, they probably will laugh at us, that is if aliens can laugh! Hope we can catch up before anything like an outer world invasion happens! The paintings, carvings and other evidence shure suggests visits did take place long ago, who's to say they wont return? Perhaps they will, just to see how far along we have come since their first visits. I doubt there would be an attack on us in a military sense, but if there are visits, then there is a possibility that some sentient species out there doesnt have "good intentions" in mind when they come knocking at our door.
Id like to see what this proposed "US Space Force" intends to use for hardware. The shuttle? (hahahaha). Rockets to get them into space to fight? (hahahaha). Missiles that wont be able to penetrate their defenses? (hahaha) Sounds like this proposed US Space Force will have to borrow ideas from the collected craft found in Roswell! Perhaps that is what they are attempting to do, copy whatever they can and whatever they can make work from it.
I can see it now...a fleet of Air Force fighters taking on alien craft that can run circles around the whole wing of fighters in one sweep, hover above them, laugh at them, then fire some weird weapon at them and wipe them out with one shot! Quite frankly, I wont feel any safer no matter what the US Gov. says they will do or what new branch of military service they create, until they make craft capable of doing the same things those invading visitors craft can do. Hey, maybe throwing barrels of oil at them will work!