Anyway, its a good bit of kit, just would be interesting to know what's stopping it working in xp
I'll have to try it again on my netbook, to see if I've managed to break it for XP somehow.
In other news, now that I know how wc3ks can be gotten to work on win7, I really, really would like to get ddhack to work with it - no way I'm killing explorer to play a game =)
Unfortunately, it's doing something totally weird, and I haven't yet figured out what's going wrong with my wrapper. And I mean wrapper, not the ddhack - just a dll that takes whatever comes from the application and passes it forward to the real thing.
Without the wrapper I can run the game (with palette problems as usual), but with it it goes and crashes. If I use ddhack (not the current released version, but something new), I get a black screen with the logo, and the game manages to draw something onscreen, bypassing ddraw completely. Why doesn't it have the decency of crashing like the wrapper does, I have no idea.
Anyway, turned my wrappers and ddhack off, killed explorer and tried the game. Tried a simulator mission. Can't seem to control the fighter with mouse, and sometimes the screen blinks to the mission map and back. Is this normal?
Oh, and the default options for ddhack are normal point-sampling with no "old lcd" stuff at all - just delete the example config file.