Finder of things, Doer of stuff
Curiousier and curiousier. wc4 switches to 640x480x16 after load in the above scenario. So one 'load game' screen is in 8 bit paleted mode and the next is in 16bpp direct color. Go figure. Means I have to add the 16bit support at this point in any case.
The windows version of WC4 also has a "-true_color" switch... Just a reminder that there are all of these that may be affecting your patch/hack...
-i Run install program (from Wing IV DOS)
-d Force hardware double buffering off -- essentially disables the
speed gain of DirectDraw, and draws the screen similar to the
DOS version. This is on by default.
-h Use the MUSICx.TRE from the CD -- This file was copied
to the hard drive to increase frame rate of the DOS version.
Explosions, comms, and music all spooling from the CD cause the
frame rate to decrease dramatically.
-l# With native CDs, the game will use the native language. If the
switch is used, the subtitles will appear in the desired
0 English
1 German
2 French
For example, -l2 will select French subtitles.
-no_interlace Do not draw the "black lines" between each line of the
-no_sound Disable DirectSound
-true_color Use 24-bit color for the movies
-dead_zone=# Increase or decrease the dead zone for greater
joystick precision. By default, the dead zone is
1. Using a value of 0 will turn the dead zone
off, and using a value of 3 will make the game
respond similar to the DOS version.
For example, -dead_zone=0 will turn off the dead zone.