I'm getting the hang of this...

Degrees? Now THAT's unusual! :p
Every level/mission editing tool I ever used, from JED to FRED, oriented things by poiting them at specific world coordinates... if you ask me, inputting the actual rotation values is something much more likely to appear in a model animator than in a mission compiler! :)

But still, there's no harm in taking the player's ship out for a spin (or 27.78 of them, for that matter) before the actual mission starts :D

Unusual? It makes perfect sense to me, since it gives you a lot more freedom :). For example, how would you get a ship to roll 30 degrees using the space point-based system?

Of course, it must be added that although WCP uses degrees for initial deployment, afterwards all the commands that determine the ship's rotation are governed by the other system. For example, you have things like AI_FaceObject (self-explanatory), and other things like AI_FaceObjRelFrame (faces a point a relative distance from a specified object) - but if there is a command to turn a ship using degrees (and it would make my life so much easier :p), we are yet to find it :(.
Originally posted by Quarto

And you say you're a bad staff... er, that is, and you say you need a tutorial :).

Oh, but you did miss one rather unusual mistake in Eder's code:

object Player(Player)
obj: piranha;
x: 0;
y: 0;
z: 2000;
main: M_Player;
direction: 0, 10000, 0;***
pilot: PILOT_Casey1;

*** Last I checked, 10000 is not a number between 1 and 360 :). I doubt this would actually cause any problems in-game, but it is quite pointless. You're making the player rotate 27.7777777 times just to end up making him turn 280 degrees .

I didnt knew it was degrees, but with nothing else but the player there, it is pointless, so i didnt messed with it.
And i do need a tutorial, so far what i can do is pretty much what i use to do with misb2, though with the docs i hope i will get better, it takes time, and a tutorial would make my life, and probably Eder's too, a lot easier. ;)
Btw Q, 2 questions for you:

1. How i make my wingman send x comm? I tryed to use AI_SendComm(COMM_Thanks_For_Help) , but it crashes and says 'unknown command' when i run the mission :(

2. How i make the AI know when all enemies are dead, so i can end the mission?

There are more stuff i want to know, but those are the most importants for now.
1. I don't understand why :(. I see no reason why it wouldn't work... anyway, I'll check that up later, gotta get ready for class.
2. Keep track of the number of enemy ships you spawn (have a variable like 'alivehostiles'), and subtract one from it in every hostile deathprog. This way, when all hostiles are dead, alivehostiles = 0.
Originally posted by KillerWave
1. How i make my wingman send x comm? I tryed to use AI_SendComm(COMM_Thanks_For_Help) , but it crashes and says 'unknown command' when i run the mission
It would appear as though this command has no right not to work :p. That's exactly the correct way to use it, and I have used it without any trouble. As such, I can really only think of one possibility - that somehow, you gave this command to the wrong object, (a navpoint or something) which is incapable of sending a comm.
I placed into a nav point structure...though the engine would be smart enough to know its for the fighters pilots :(
In this case, where i place it, and how i make it happens in the time i want it to?
You place it in the function of the pilot(s) who is supposed to send it, as a sub-loop inside the infinite loop, activated only when the conditions are right (and you might want to ensure it only happens once). What the conditions are, of course, depends entirely on you. If you have trouble implementing the conditions you want, tell me exactly under what circumstances you want to hear this comm, and I can help you a bit more :).
Hey Eder, Nice Sabre!, could you send me the model? i've been working on a Sabre myself, and I want to see if I can improve it. Yours is great, but i think there's something slightly off with that cockpit, I think it's a little squashed. other than that, your mesh is insane!
Ok, I've added it to my list of stuff to send. I'll send it as soon as I get the time, after I send some .iffs to KW.
