I'm getting the hang of this...

may i just say Eder, maximum respect.... i looked at your fighter screenshots and they are wicked :) how do you actually get the ships into prophecy? i have got SO so i imagine that will help with the editing friendly thing...... what do i need?
Originally posted by Basilisk
how do you actually get the ships into prophecy? i have got SO so i imagine that will help with the editing friendly thing...... what do i need?

I'm not quite the guy to ask about this, I just learned it last week :) I use some programs like peoview, modelc, and texture converter, but I'm not even sure where I downloaded them from anymore.

Originally posted by Quarto
I don't suppose you have WCPPas, though? That one wasn't available from Thomas' main files page - you had to register to a mailing list (the exact data about how to do that was posted on Thomas' news page), and then you would have been told where to download it from.

Uhm, no, I don't have that one. Sounds pretty hard to get it, as a matter of fact :p

Originally posted by WildWeasel
The wings on the Sabre look like they need to be longer...and angled back more.

I'll look into that... the only decent picture of a Sabre I had to make this model was the side view from the launch sequence, so the wings may indeed be off, thanks for pointing it out.

Good. Glad to hear hes ok :D

Btw Eder, you have that ship conversion tutorial i made for the wcdc right? Can you send it over ( i doesnt have a copy)?
Since the wcdc is down, i can post it in my page, so Basilisk or anyone else who wants to place their ships in SO can learn to do it ;)
I have updated my site......... check it out again!! to see if the improvements are any better.... i had a disaster with the snipe, as it didnt like the way the cockpit looked. and it totaly F'ed the composition of the craft..... a completely new design is on the way though, using the similar russian style. the mapping on the dagger has gone skewiff, but im going to remap the left and right sides of it anyway, so the lines and textures will be straight.... i need some serious help on psp texturing, as these are so simplistic, they dont do it justice. i scaled the dagger on the arrow, and its going to be a bit bigger than the dagger.:)
That's an improvement, Basilisk, but I think that the cockpit might still be a bit too large.

BTW, add your website to your profile, so that we don't need to look through old posts to find the link to it :).
Here goes the first one:

Why doesn't the compile button... uhm... compile stuff? :p
I put a single player object and a nav object, and the three functions needed... and when I told it to compile, nothing happened, as in, no files are in the SO mission directory (which I set to be the output dir in the unit file). Am I missing something? Also, I'm not really sure what to put in the death functions... ok, so the main functions are object setup... flags, and things like that. But what about death functions?

Well, at least it's a lot like pascal, the one programming language I ever got along with :D

Then check the output file name and folder you placed the iff, you may be looking in the wrong place...

#SetOutputPath ("f:\Secret Ops\mission");
I did that too, triple checked...
The output window just stays on "now linking it all together" forever, and no iff or mis file appears anywhere.

Who summoned me? :)

Sometimes, bugs sneak into WCPPas releases, so it might not be your fault :p. First thing you should always try with these sort of problems is to close WCPPas and start it up again.

KW, when Eder sends it to you, try it both with an older version of WCPPas, and with the latest version.
Here's the unit's code... The idea was to place a Piranha in the middle of nowhere just to test the compiler, but like I said, somehow, even though it doesn't give me any error messages, it doesn't create any files whatsoever... (nowhere on either of my 2 HDDs, I checked everything :()

unit test1;

#AddToSearchPath("d:\games\wing commander\secret ops\language\");
#SetOutputPath("d:\games\wing commander\secret ops\mission");
#Include wcp, comms, pilots, ships, utils;
#Strings targetid, spacefli;
#Sector: "sim.sec";

object Player(Player)
obj: "piranha";
x: 0;
y: 0;
z: 0;
main: M_Player;
// death: D_Player;
targstr: targetid["ALPHA 1"];
direction: 0, 10000, 0;
pilot: PILOT_Casey1;

object Nav1(Navpoint)
x: 0;
y: 0;
z: 2000;
main: M_Nav1;
name: spacefli["Nav 1"];
navdata: 1, // nav id
25000; // diameter

function M_Nav1;
if (SF_GetDistance(Player)<12500) then begin

function M_Player;
while (1) do

So, what am I missing here? (a lot, probably, but lets start with the most important and obvious points :D)

Ok, im no Q, but i can get this to work :p

unit test1; * this should be the name of the mission, maybe this is the reason the file isnt created?

#AddToSearchPath("d:\games\wing commander\secret ops\language\");
#SetOutputPath("d:\games\wing commander\secret ops\mission");
#Include wcp, comms, pilots, ships, utils;
#Strings targetid, spacefli;
#Sector: "sim.sec";

object Player(Player)
obj: "piranha";
x: 0;
y: 0;
z: 0; * you need to place the player inside the navpoint
main: M_Player;
// death: D_Player;
targstr: targetid["ALPHA 1"]; *player doesnt have that kind of denomination, its your callsign
direction: 0, 10000, 0;
pilot: PILOT_Casey1;

object Nav1(Navpoint)
x: 0;
y: 0;
z: 2000;
main: M_Nav1;
name: spacefli["Nav 1"];
navdata: 1, // nav id
25000; // diameter

function M_Nav1;
if (SF_GetDistance(Player)<12500) then begin
end; * Yor m_nav1 function is incorrect

function M_Player;
SF_BindToActionSphere(1); *Always set player to SF_BindToActionSphere(0), so the player appear in all navpoints

SF_ActivateSelf(1); *Same here
while (1) do

* no main function

Should be like this:

mission s0;

#AddToSearchPath("d:\wing commander\secret ops\language\");
#SetOutputPath("d:\wing commander\secret ops\mission");
#Include wcp, comms, pilots, ships, utils;
#Strings targetid, spacefli;
#Sector: "sim.sec";

object Player(Player)
obj: piranha;
x: 0;
y: 0;
z: 2000;
main: M_Player;
direction: 0, 10000, 0;
pilot: PILOT_Casey1;

object Nav1(Navpoint)
x: 0;
y: 0;
z: 2000;
main: M_NAV1;
name: spacefli["Nav 1"];
navdata: 1, 25000;

function M_NAV1;
while(1) do begin
if (NAV_WithinSphere(Player)) then begin
while(NAV_WithinSphere(Player)) do begin

function M_Player;
SF_SetObjectFlag(OF_Alignment, ALIGN_Confed);
while (1) do AI_WaitSeconds(1);

function MAIN;

I tested it and works fine, hope it helps.
D'oh! I just changed the first line to read mission instead of unit (I didn't realize I had to do that, so I just went the usual Delphi way :)), and it compiled OK... then I fixed everything else and it worked. (BTW, it did have a main function... however, I accidentaly left it out when posting the code here... but it was wrong anyway :p) Thanks man, I think I can manage it from here, until I reach some of the advanced stuff.

Originally posted by KillerWave
Ok, im no Q, but i can get this to work
And you say you're a bad staff... er, that is, and you say you need a tutorial :).

Oh, but you did miss one rather unusual mistake in Eder's code:

object Player(Player)
obj: piranha;
x: 0;
y: 0;
z: 2000;
main: M_Player;
direction: 0, 10000, 0;***
pilot: PILOT_Casey1;

*** Last I checked, 10000 is not a number between 1 and 360 :). I doubt this would actually cause any problems in-game, but it is quite pointless. You're making the player rotate 27.7777777 times just to end up making him turn 280 degrees :D.