I'm a dad!



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What an absolutely adorable little girl! You know, in just a few months you will look at those pictures and have a hard time believing she was ever that small. Those first days are awesome memories. I've very happy for you, Overmortal. Congratulations again!
WoW, How did I miss this thread.

CONGRATULATIONS man and enjoy it while it lasts, I know I will...one day.

Just curious, what about that army stuff?
Congrats, just remember no matter how frustrated you get with you daughter (and her mom as well) it is all worth it. The first 2-3 months really suck but then she will start to recognize you and smile or laugh. It will melt your heart. And oh yeah she will start to sleep through the night.
AD, your daughter is so very cute! I hope Kayla grows to be that cute.

Iceblade said:
Just curious, what about that army stuff?

Alright, alright, here's the brief version:

Early in '04, I was having trouble keeping a job. I'd been having trouble for a while, and I was having to stay with my parents because of it. Well, finally, they'd had enough and told me to get out. I had no money, no home, and only one friend, so I was scared out of my wits. I'd gone to his house hoping to find some shelter, and possibly to use his computer. I was panicked, and the slightest bit suicidal from the sudden turn of events. I decided that joining the Military was the best course of action for me. It'd be food and shelter, and money, and I'd probably get sent overseas where I could be killed.

That night, I was having a hard time getting my friends computer to make a post to the CZ. So, I contacted LeHah and asked him to make a post for me to the forum telling everyone my big, ominous 'goodbye forever'. A few hours and a few reboots later, I got that computer working properly and was able to post again for myself. Posting that thread, in retrospect, was a hideous idea, and I still get harrassed for it by jerks like LOAF (who, at that time declared "Overmortal is a good guy and will always have a place here") and the then-helpful LeHah.

Of course, when night got the darkest, light started coming. I was asked to return home and ended up securing another job, but I was still intent on enlisting as soon as I was down to the proper weight (and I was about five pounds from it then). Before I was able to enlist, I was in a vehicle accident (which was my fault, thus all the more embarrassing) which screwed up my back pretty severely and ended up costing me that job I mentioned. It also prevented me from enlisting until my back could get straightened out. My dad helped me secure another vehicle, and I got another job a few days later. Started making money, had a place to live, and I was doing much better at keeping this job. Suddenly, I wasn't so suicidal, and became much more content with where I was. It wasn't much later that I started dating Staci (mother of my little girl). Flash forward to now. Staci and I are very happy and I'll probably marry her before the year is out. The only thing barring my way right now is I'm still not making enough money to support the three of us, so I'm trying for either a promotion at my current job, or find a better job that'll support us.

Okay, everyone happy now that I've spilled all that? LOAF? LeHah? All the rest of you pessimists out there? I was scared out of my wits and did some dumb stuff. Get over it. I was hoping this thread could be for sharing the joy of fatherhood with other fathers/mothers in this community, not explaining how my fear and panic sent me searching for some sort of stability in the form of a haircut.
Okay, everyone happy now that I've spilled all that? LOAF? LeHah? All the rest of you pessimists out there? I was scared out of my wits and did some dumb stuff. Get over it. I was hoping this thread could be for sharing the joy of fatherhood with other fathers/mothers in this community, not explaining how my fear and panic sent me searching for some sort of stability in the form of a haircut.

In all likelyhood I'll just ban you for calling me a jerk. It's hardly my fault that you turned out to be one of those attention seeking internet whores - as you pointed out, I certainly gave you the benefit of the doubt.
Hey, this stuff is obviously very meaningful and frightening to Overmortal. I'm not surprised that he didn't want it mentioned, and that even light-hearted banter about it set him on edge. That was a really dark time for him, and it probably just needs to be put in the past and left there. It's kind of sad that he was just trying to share the joy of fatherhood (and I hope the marriage works out for you soon, Overmortal), and the thread took this unfortunate turn for whatever reason (I don't think it was intentional).

I'd just ask you to go easy on Overmortal on this one, okay? This is a very loaded topic for him. It's hard for people who haven't been there or haven't had loved ones who have been there to really understand what it's like. Consider it a raw wound. Anyone would get testy if you poked them in a fairly fresh wound, even if you were only doing it in good-natured teasing. So, I hope the guys who were helpful to him then but feel offended by him now understand it that way, and can let it go.

Anyways, Overmortal, congratulations again. Oh, have you heard of the WIC and CHIP government programs? They are very helpful for dealing with the expenses of parenthood when your income is a little on the low side. Google them for more info.
Sphynx said:
Anyways, Overmortal, congratulations again. Oh, have you heard of the WIC and CHIP government programs? They are very helpful for dealing with the expenses of parenthood when your income is a little on the low side. Google them for more info.
CHIP... is that the one where the government gives you money, but in exchange plants a silicon chip inside your child? :p
Some day I too hope to be a successful organism, however my best friend says that my fiance is evil and barren - and he's probably right. Congratulations!!!
My sincere congratulations! But I don't think your baby is cute. Don't be upset though. I've always thought all babies are ugly. Every one of them. Especially when they're newborns and they're all weird and pruney looking. Even if a friend of mine has had a baby, I'll give him my sincere congrats, but I'll never lie and tell them their baby is cute. Puppies though are cute. Most puppies I've seen are way cuter than human babies. If a stranger walks past me holding a cute puppy, I'll go out of my way to compliment it. People should parade their puppies around cause they're so cute.
Overmortal may or may not be a father much like he may or may not be joining the military.

Suffice it to say though - Shipgate is a complete asshole.
Shipgate said:
My sincere congratulations! But I don't think your baby is cute. Don't be upset though. I've always thought all babies are ugly. Every one of them. Especially when they're newborns and they're all weird and pruney looking. Even if a friend of mine has had a baby, I'll give him my sincere congrats, but I'll never lie and tell them their baby is cute. Puppies though are cute. Most puppies I've seen are way cuter than human babies. If a stranger walks past me holding a cute puppy, I'll go out of my way to compliment it. People should parade their puppies around cause they're so cute.

jesus christ.....dude, crawl back to whatever hell you came from, that was uncalled for. ass....