How can you guys call this easy?

Hornets against bugs!?! Ouch, that is a horrible standoff (not the mod). It really sucks in the FC engine because there is currently no convergence for the weapons. So looks like you might have to wait a little bit on that unless you want to be bitten to death. :p

Simulator for FC should be coming soon, though. Maybe in a couple of weeks.

Thanks for making this, and I like the overwhelming odds against me. Nothing like failing the mission x times, getting all pissed off, then saying to oneself:

10 one more try

20 if fail, goto 10, else 30

30 YES! NEXT Mission!

hehehhe seriously, its been alot of fustration, but when i finally passed a stage, the feeling is quite rewarding. On another note though, the replayability for the game is low for me(i dont want to go thru the fustrating moments again). It not so bad for me since i play most games like this for the plot, but if I get bored and want to play a space sim I would more likely load WC3-P/so before I would turn on UE or this again. Just my op and either way, thanks for putting this out. It was 80% fustration, but the 20% reward makes it all worth playing. Hats off^^
You know that you can change the difficulty setting for the games, do you?
Maj.Striker said:
I don't mind facing more enemies...I probably wouldn't enjoy missions were we actually outnumbered the Kilrathi. :)

Actually...if you've just survived a few missions of escaping by the skin of your teeth and pull an ambush of the Kilrathi carrier with its flight wing depleted and few escorts...and you have a chance to serve it a warm dish of Mark IV hell..I think you WOULD enjoy it! ;-)