How can you guys call this easy?

Yeah, I actually like the Stiletto. But in WC2 the mass drivers had a much higher refire rate, which made them rather deadly, especially against the lighter, more maneuverable fighters. I remember switching from full guns to mass drivers only to shoot down those pesky sartha and drakhri when flying a sabre.
Otherwise I think you guys got the Stiletto just right.
Quarto said:
Except that we don't want to keep the books and the games separate. Ultimately, we're not trying to remake WC2, or make Fleet Action: The Game. We're trying to make something that will remind people of both those products, but which will ultimately be a completely separate Wing Commander experience. And Wing Commander are the key words here - since the books and games are all Wing Commander products, there is no reason for us to reject one or the other.

Man, that's beautiful. I should print that out, frame it and hang it on my wall.
Bakhtosh Redclaw said:
Yeah, I actually like the Stiletto. But in WC2 the mass drivers had a much higher refire rate, which made them rather deadly, especially against the lighter, more maneuverable fighters. I remember switching from full guns to mass drivers only to shoot down those pesky sartha and drakhri when flying a sabre.

Just wait for E2 to be released. Standoff will feel much more like WC2 with it then it did in E1...
Bakhtosh Redclaw said:
Yeah, I actually like the Stiletto. But in WC2 the mass drivers had a much higher refire rate, which made them rather deadly, especially against the lighter, more maneuverable fighters. I remember switching from full guns to mass drivers only to shoot down those pesky sartha and drakhri when flying a sabre.
Otherwise I think you guys got the Stiletto just right.

Like cff said, Ep.2 has some news on that matter.

About the following Standoff missions, from my experience, taking out 2 Gothris in a light fighter is a pain, and there will be some missions with a low count of fighters, like Pierre said.

However, let´s keep in mind that the game is about the Battle of Terra, a full-scale invasion of the kats against a disorganized Confed Fleet. I haven´t seen Ep.3-4-5 yet, but I can´t expect small battles and balanced fights in such a scenario.

About the difficulty, I have beat all of Ep. 1 in nightmare (not without a good struggle in the last mission). IMO, nightmare level shouldn´t be easily mastered, on the contrary, it is supposed to be, well, a nightmare (duh). OTOH, anyone who feels unconfortable with the difficulty level should start on rookie, then try beating the game on veteran and so on. That adds a lot of replayability... and rookie level in Ep. 1 is VERY easy.
Starkey said:
About the following Standoff missions, from my experience, taking out 2 Gothris in a light fighter is a pain, and there will be some missions with a low count of fighters, like Pierre said.

I think that this is a good thing. Gothris should be a credible threat to anything lighter than a Rapier--the numbers say that a Gothri should be nearly the match of a Sabre (relative skill of AI and human player notwithstanding).
Yeah - with an AI pilot, a single Gothri should make a single Rapier into swiss cheese, actually. A Sabre is more a match, while the Morningstar was what Confed had planned to beat it with (sim only in Standoff, AFAIK).

Still looking forward to that Episode 2 release. :)
BattleDog said:
The problem I have is that Confed is always so out numbered. I mean you are usually fighting 3 or 4:1. That sucks. 2:1 yeah sure great but there just seem to be too many pirates. This is WCII Confed isn't on the ropes yet. The bugs were easy to kill because all their ships sucked. In Standoff you are usually fighting ships that are close to your own in capability. So there really don't need to be so many.

Although this is digging back a ways, I do feel that this should be touched upon.

This isn't ACTUALLY WC2. It's Fleet Action, where the Confederation, exhausted from fighting, has agreed to Kilrathi demands to disarm most of the fleet. If this were in one of the core sectors, I would be expressing a similar complaint, but this is the Gemini sector, where Confed forces are limited to begin with. Pirates are very numerous, along with Privateers etcetera etcetera.

I will admit that I find the mass numbers of pirates versus the Confed forces frustrating, but the only thing I would really do to counteract this would be to improve the wingman AI. As the team seems to be aware of this, I don't see the need to hammer it in.

Myself, I found that there were some difficult/frustrating moments, but nothing so infuriating that I found myself screaming at the computer (which occured many times on WC 1). I'm waiting with baited breath for Ep. 2, so loafing will be futilely pointed out by myself despite the total lack of effect it will have on delayed releases. :P
I am considering how much harder those changes will make the game...

Well, they first found a way to make guns fire the WC2 way, that makes you more deadly, but this applies to the enemy, too. So it's tie that shifts the balance of power to the offensive side.

Second, they took out ITTS for SOME ships. Time to learn growing out of ITTS reliance, 'cuz there was WC space combat before there was ITTS.
I like the impact the lack of ITTS has - before, there didn't seem to be much difference between a Ferret and a Stiletto. Now you really get to appreciate the Stiletto's edge.
Thinking about it actually the slower refire on the guns was one of the things that frustrated me the most. I just never seemed to be able to get enough shots in quick enough.

I'll see how EPII plays. Looking foward to the Rapier.
I do read all these posts...
And... I have a feeling that I've mistaken a door :)
Lots of you here say UE is so difficult...
While it is not. It is just BW. They truly do not have a power the Confeds have.
So - a little group of BW pilots does their best.
I say - it is a realistic story enough...
And as for surviving - I say there's no too much problems with that.
I've flown WC, WC2, WC3, WCIV... SO, now - UE...
And I would say that WC is REALLY EASY when talking of surviving. and HARD ENOUGH when talking
of escort missions.
WC2? Well... It was difficult enough to survive, espesially after WC, where enemy could fly only a straight line.
But Standoff is in no way similar to WC2.
Guys! It's a ... not best copy of Privateer physics.
In no way experience of WC2 would help in Standoff.
No shields, no armour, no weapons... - I've never seen SUCH A SLOW PROJECTILE BEFORE!
You fire a mass-driver, and enemy would fly a circle around you, before the projectile hits him...
And lasers? They are very slow, too... It's VERY HARD to fly Standoff. Very very hard...
A single hit - and your shields are gone!
I've blown hundreds of Talons in Tarsus, and now I can't deal with them flying a Stiletto...
Such a slow afterburner...
Well... I'd better stop now.
Anyway - I haven't made a single game, and you have made a very nice one.
And not just a nice one - but a WC one.
For that I do say 'thanks a lot'.
But... If you changed a physics a bit, it be so nice...
The projectiles aren't THAT slow and the speeds are the same as the other games, unless you think 1200kps is slow on the burners.
Yes. The numbers - the digits - the readings of VDU aare the same. yes.
But the speed itself is greatly lower.
And the projectiles a REALLY REALLY REALLY - too slow.
As they are in Provateer, too.
Mass driver is a great cannon in WC
Here - it's a nonsense of a gun.
I think you are more referring to the refire delay then the projectile speed. The speed of the projectiles is fine IMHO. Refire could be better on the massdrivers, yes. However that is already been taken care of...
Just run WC2, look at the way massdriver projectiles go...
Then run standoff or privateer - you will see the difference...
I do not say it is bad - such a physics.
It is just VERY difficult to get used, that is all...
Dyret said:
Hehe, yes they do. :p

Only partially correct answer. They do on anything besides Rookie mode IIRC. In Rookie your guns do more damage then those of anyone else. 150% or something like that.

But I think even on Nightmare WCP cheats in favor of the player with regards to his own armor rating.