Guns in WCP


I am interested in hearing which guns you all were using in WCP. Normally, I always used Full Guns (in all WC games), however, on the Wasp, Shrike and Tigershark, I always used the Charging Mass. The Charging Mass and Plasma Gun were my favourite weapons. I was VERY angry that it was left out in SO, as it made the Wasp inferior compared to the WCP fighter (the 4 swarmers compensated it a bit, but still i missed the charging mass)

So which guns did you like most?

My top list:

1. Charging Mass
2. Plasma
3. Tachyon

The 2 worst guns

1. Laser
2. Ion
The Tachyon and Particle are my favorite. The Plasma of course is the best but its only on that Devistator, which came in handy when my wing would waste away their torp load out on dead targets or shoot 5 of them at the engine or bridge. Then there be no torps for the next nav! In the Vampire, I would have liked to see 2 Tachyons, 2 Ions and 2 Particle instead of the 4 Tachyon loadout. However, that charge mass was very usefull in the Shrike bomber (I call it a turtle). :)


[Edited by RFBurns on 04-07-2001 at 13:45]
Charging Mass was a great gun but the SO wasp was better because of the Dust cannons which are some ammazing weapons.
In WCP and SO, when flying a Devastator, I use only the Plasma cannon. The Tachion gun on that ship is next to useless. Now if it had a Dust cannon instead, now that would be a totally different story.

As for guns I dislike, one particularly pops into my mind - the Cloudburst. Can`t stand that gun, it`s way too slow.
I also like the mass driver in the first 2 games.

[Edited by Mad Hatter on 04-07-2001 at 19:19]
I always fly with full guns, except in the Devastator. Then I vary between the two, depending on my target. What's the projectile-firing gun again? Is it the Cloudburst?
My favourite was the Stormfire. Just loved the way it ripped through Morays. Shame it was only on the Piranha (though I did mess around with WCPEdit once and switch a few ships guns around).
Apart from that I'd say the CMD (though I never used it on the Wasp).
Everything else was full guns.

The Dust Cannon was nice, but it ate through energy like it was going out of fashion.
Originally posted by Quarto
The Dust Cannon was a beautiful, beautiful thing... kills anything, any time, anywhere..
I agree it was a beautiful, beautiful thing... kills anything, any time, anywhere...unfortunately it went though energy way too fast.

As an example, on the Shy Meadows mission you have (I think) 2 Devil Rays coming at you. One full burst will take out the lead ship...unforunately your outta energy to attack the second and only a fool would waste a Swarmer on a Devil Ray when they are better used on Manta Bombers.

Which means you have an annoying DR on your tail while you are trying your hardest to save those three bloody transports that had no business being in a warzone unescorted in the first place!!

...unfortunately it went though energy way too fast.
It's one of the most damaging guns per unit energy Confed ever commisioned. Most other guns wouldn't even allow you to down a DR in a single pass. The only time I ever had a problem with the "Dust Buster's" drain is when I'd used it on Shrikes -- whose gun pool is smaller than any other fighter or bomber used by Cerberus.
Originally posted by Dekkar
Cloudburst, I always found it was the best option when flying a panther.

Yeah, full guns wasn't that great an option. I never liked the combination of the clouburst with that other gun on the SO panther. The two were just too differant in ROF and damage to make them a good combo.

Best, Raptor
Originally posted by Quarto
The Dust Cannon was a beautiful, beautiful thing... kills anything, any time, anywhere..

Yep. Like a stormfire with unlimited ammo. Just gotta love that. :)

Best, Raptor
Originally posted by Primarch
Which means you have an annoying DR on your tail while you are trying your hardest to save those three bloody transports that had no business being in a warzone unescorted in the first place!!
Except of course that it wasn't a warzone ;). Anyway, if you didn't have to pay attention to your energy usage, then it wouldn't be a very well-balanced game, now would it?
First key I push right after leaving a carrier is the F.
That´s why they call me Shooter...

"You know the drill, soft the shields with a full burst and then... bam! A missile up the..."

And this ends my tribute to Maniac. :)
Full guns all the way!

The best? PLASMA! That thing cains! It rips through anything! Its fun to see a moray just split open when it gets hit with one shot :)
Now that I said my fav in wcp/so my fav of all time is the Stormfire in wciv. That gun ripped through both fighters and capships like there was no tomorrow and I never once ran out of ammo.