Originally posted by MamiyaOtaru
Anyone remember the old Star Wars and Empire Strikes back arcade games? The crosshairs were moved with the stick (more of a yoke) and the nose followed. Of course, the steering was really slow.. But it worked in that game, and was pretty much how I imagine Freelancer with stick suppoert would work.
True it's not as precise as a mouse, but I think it would work and know I'd use it. Hope someone makes a patch and gives us a choice. Mouse isn't all that bad though, I am getting used to it
Seems the game doesn't play nice with the hacked mp3 codec installed by divx. After I removed it and replaced it with the one that comes with windows, dialog worked fine again
A REALLY stupid question this: I know how to get rid of divx, but how (And where from) do you replace with the "one that comes with windows?" - What file, and where from please?