Flight Commander: A Shot in the Dark

Quarto said:
Well, one thing I can tell you based on these screenshots is that you've got some canon-related issues. I hope you don't mind if I go through them - I'm one of those people that believe that fan projects are infinitely better when they stick to the canon ;).

You forgot the small detail about a hellcat surviving long enough against a Bloodfang for the player to take a screenshot.:p
Alright, I have 2 bugs to report.

1. Whenever I complete a mission, and make 3 kills, the debriefing will say I made no kills.

2. Whenever I press the ; key, my current target will die. Is there a way to change this?
Yes, the kill count has already been fixed in 1.3. The ; key is for debugging see the documentation for other debug keys. Leach damages (just does damage, or removes all?) shields but doesn' t touch armor? Should be pretty easy to do, tell me what leach is supposed to do.
I like what I see thus far, hakatsuru. Well done! Canon issues can be rather tricky. Good luck. There are many good guides who can help you with that.
Sphynx said:
I like what I see thus far, hakatsuru. Well done! Canon issues can be rather tricky. Good luck. There are many good guides who can help you with that.

Thank you Sphynx! I've already fixed alot of issues with the first mission, and I'm working on the second one as I type this. My only hope is that you all will like it as much as I do.
I had to edit the previous post. This forum is not for airing your personal grievances. Deal with it elsewhere as a mature adult. My email is on the flightcommander web site for coordinating flight commander issues, if anyone is unable to post here. Please do continue your mod work, and keep me updated. You're welcome to post on the Ranger's Glory site if you wish.
Eddie, Have a question for you. What would it take to get some "prettier" gun traces? I.e. swapping out the red balls for the laser etc for something that looks flashier? I have no idea how it works underneath the hood but could an animated gif or avi etc be used?
hakatsuru said:

Yeah, I'm really swamped with coursework, so I'm gonna push the release date till sometime in January, if I'm not taking winter classes. If I decide on taking winter classes, I'll probably have it out sometime in March then.

Sorry if this poses any inconvenience :)

Well, I only regularly put up updates to WC1 Remake on the Weekends. I do not normally do updates on weekdays and holidays if I am at home.
Hey, LOAF, i PM'ed you about this before, but didnt get a reply... Why excactly was the guy banned from the CIC?
Dyret said:
Hey, LOAF, i PM'ed you about this before, but didnt get a reply... Why excactly was the guy banned from the CIC?

You'd have to talk to Chris, that wasn't my ban.