Well, one thing I can tell you based on these screenshots is that you've got some canon-related issues. I hope you don't mind if I go through them - I'm one of those people that believe that fan projects are infinitely better when they stick to the canon
- Bhurak Starkiller died during WC1. In some cases, this kind of thing can be ignored (after all, WC1 allows even all the Confed pilots to die, and then WC2 assumes they didn't die), but in this case, the WC1 guide confirms that he was short down (by Iceman, in the Gateway system).
- We only know of one squadron that flies Bloodfangs. I think it might be safe to assume that this squadron would be whereever Prince Thrakhath is - and that's likely to be in Kilrah at this point.
- The planet seen in the Bhurak Starkiller screenshot is Kilrah... post-Temblor
. If you want to have missions in the Kilrah system, you may want to use the pre-Temblor version of Kilrah from
KillerWave's page.
- You're not likely to see any Excaliburs at this point in time. IIRC, the only squadrons that had them were the ones who were supposed to attack Kilrah (Blair's squadron on the Victory, and Spyder's squadron on the Eagle). If you'd like to include some more ships than the four fighters we see in WC3 apart from the Excal, I would recommend using some of the Armada ships.
- Search and rescue normally uses ships equipped with tractor beams. We're never told specifically that the Hellcat doesn't have tractor beams... but there's also no reason to believe that it does have such equipment. Of the ships seen in WC3, I would suggest the Thunderbolt is the most likely candidate for S&R, because it's basically a successor to the Sabre (which performs this function in WC2).
(interestingly enough, if we assume that Confed's ship designation system is based on the present-day US fighter designation system, then the Thunderbolt really is a search & rescue ship, because that's what the "H" in its HF-66 designation denotes... though of course, we know the Confed system is on many occasions different to the US designation system, so we can't really jump to conclusions about what the "H" means)
- Finally, while I'm not completely sure about it (I always get
this confused
), I do believe you've got the Ranger-class mirrored, the conning tower should be on the other flank.