What's the advantages/disadvantages of the Homeworld game engine?
V Kent
Well, if you haven't played Homeworld 2, it's basically an RTS in 3D, not a flight simulator, so any mod of it would not be like the traditional games in the WC franchise, nor would it be like Arena. It is, however, very pretty and you can get some truly epic fleet vs. fleet capital ship wars going on - There is a WC4 HW2 conversion with a dedicated thread on this forum somewhere. Since I have a feeling you haven't tried searching for it yet, here's a quick link:
The engine looks suited for portraying large scale fleet combat. Save game files allow for persistence between game sessions, so it's possible to do a campaign. There is a set of modding tools and the game does use a scripting language but offhand I'm not sure what it is. Here's a link to a page with lots of technical information on how to open up HW2 and start modding. From the looks of existing mods, the tools are very flexible but poorly documented. You can do just about anything but there are few instructions as to how. You will *definitely* have to learn the scripting language and data structures to do any modding; there is no drag-and-drop construction set. By the way, the publisher for Homeworld 2, Relic Studios, no longer exists, so there is no longer a lot of official support for the modding tools, which were in a semi-finished, or at least not especially user-friendly, state.
Here is a link to a decent modding fansite for HW2 and to a forum and reference page on modding Homeworld 2. Lots of technical information here. If you're patient, you could probably figure out lots of things, including AI tweaking, adding new models to the game, etc.
I've tinkered with it a bit but don't really know my way around. All these pages are easily found with a simple Google search and a little looking around. This is all I know. I'm not equipped to give a tutorial on modding HW2, as my experience with it is limited to having installed completed mods on my copy of the game, which I no longer play.