Fahrenheit 9/11

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I mean it is not his duty to decide, weather we should give tax dollars to churches, specificlly because he is a christian. nor is it his duty as a government official to decide that marrying my boyfriend should be illegal, because he doesn't believe it is moral. That is the start of oppression. The forefathers expressly forbid any inclusion of a particular church in the constitiution for fear that that church might become as powerful as the catholic church which used it's religious weight to opress and murder innocent people.

The First Amendment
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.."

John Adams signed the Treaty of Tripoli (June 7, 1797). Article 11 states:
“The government of the United States is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion.”

Thomas Jefferson (the third President of the United States)

Jefferson’s interpretation of the first amendment in a letter to the Danbury Baptist Association (January 1, 1802):
“Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between man and his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legislative powers of government reach actions only, and not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should ‘make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,’ thus building a wall of separation between church and State.”

Jefferson’s “The Statute of Virginia for Religious Freedom”:
“Our civil rights have no dependence on our religious opinions, more than on our opinions in physics and geometry....The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts only as are injurious to others. But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.”

The fact that you're the kind of person that makes fun of the way other people look pretty much discredits any point you might eventually try to make. Y'know, once you get around to it.

Also, nice to just assume that I'm taking the pro-Moore side as I was not, in fact, taking any side.

Ah, then most liberals i have ever met are discredited then. I make fun of him cause of what he is. You honestly think i would juset make fun of his looks cause he was fat. If he was a someone that was stout and most things he said resembled the truth, i wouldn't make fun of him, it's mean. Whereas he rants against Bush and and is really just another angry liberal, and writes books and films, trying to make the right look bad.

I apologize for assuming you where pro-Moore.

so you make fun of people cuz of the way they look? thats just low. if you wanna make fun of someone, find something else to make fun of, cuz personal appearance is jumping over the line.

Again, I made fun of his looks cause i he is another screaming, lying liberal.

cuz screaming at bush is useful cuz he deserves everything ever said negatively against him?

Really?......what makes you say that?
You honestly think i would juset make fun of his looks cause he was fat. If he was a someone that was stout and most things he said resembled the truth, i wouldn't make fun of him,

So people that you believe are not telling the truth get made fun of over the way they look? Real mature. :rolleyes:
I don't care for people like Moore. They tried to force his crap onto us when I was at high school. He seems like one of those hippies that would have spent his time at university making banners and protesting rather than studying.
Never cared one bit for them. Cared less after the recent riot at my univeristy (RMIT for those in Australia who would have heard it).
psych said:
I still think "Aliens" is the best out of the series.

McGruff said:
Alien was good, Aliens was great, the rest were garbage, and Lynx is 100% correct.

At first I didn't like Aliens because I thought it was made as a dumb action movie in comparison to Alien. Now I appreciate it as good movie but still: Alien was fine Sci-Fi horror (or at least shocker, especially when you're young) whereas Aliens was much more Sci-Fi action movie (but far from dumb). Alien 3 tried to to be more as the frist but I it's still my least favourite (can't even say why. Probably because a dog dies. ;)). Resurrection was the least shocking but still very entertaining and with more suspense than many other movies. And I do like Ron Perlman too, since his appearance in "The Name of the Rose" as Salvatore.
Alien 3 was decent - it definitely had some great ideas going for it - but even David Fincher hates it now. Nothing is as abysmal as Resurrection though - theres almost nothing redeemable about that complete load of crap.
LeHah said:
Alien 3 was decent - it definitely had some great ideas going for it - but even David Fincher hates it now. Nothing is as abysmal as Resurrection though - theres almost nothing redeemable about that complete load of crap.

Well, Winola Ryder in coveralls counts for me. ;)

But Alien 3 had a huge bunch of story problems. For one thing, how did that darn Egg managed to mysteriously find itself on the ship?!
How many facehuggers would it take to cover his mug?

By the way, when I was in the theater to see Troy a few weeks ago, there was a poster advertising the upcoming "Aliens vs Predator" movie. Silly.
I like Michael Moore, he shows people the truth. Which some of you can't take. Learn to face it. If anyone knows, Bush went to the pope and asked him to "help in the fight against homesexuality." I lost all respect for our president. I hate ANY kind of predudice or racism, ESPECIALLY from a president. And SEPERATION FROM CHURCH AND STATE, but I guess we forgot about that too.

TigerNobleHeart said:
Well, Winola Ryder in coveralls counts for me. ;)

But Alien 3 had a huge bunch of story problems. For one thing, how did that darn Egg managed to mysteriously find itself on the ship?!

If you really want to nitpick, you can find story problems in anything - but in this case the filmed Alien 3 script borrowed from the original by William Gibson. In it, Newt and Hicks awaken from hybernation on a space station (not totally unlike Deep Space 9) but theres also two alien drones in there, who moved eggs into the ship (it's unexplained but the idea is that the Queen dropped an egg while hitching a ride at the end of the movie). Space Marines open fire with flamethrowers, the aliens are destroyed and Ripley is burned alive when the hypersleep chamber door refuses to open.
McGruff said:
How many facehuggers would it take to cover his mug?

By the way, when I was in the theater to see Troy a few weeks ago, there was a poster advertising the upcoming "Aliens vs Predator" movie. Silly.

I only need one. <EG>.

I have mixed feelings about AvP. The mainly the director. I would've felt much easier if it was handled by Scott or Cameron.
Though AvP 2 the game was great. :cool:
I have the AvP 2 game sitting in my closet as I speak. I have to get a computer a little newer than my 1997 model before I can play it.
"When will the truth come into season, I have a feeling it will be a long time, when will the world listen to reason, I have a feeling it will be a long time...yeah..."The Offspring
There are three sides to every story. Both sides, and the truth.

Moore tells one side. Fox news tells another. The truth is somewhere in between (typically somewhere between the BBC and CNN and Al-Jazeera). Telling the truth isn't profitable - putting great spin (even incorrect spin) is.

Heck, there was a study done showing how many people actually believed WMDs were found in Iraq - the percentage believing it was true correllated heavily with the network they got their news from.

Of course, the great thing about the US is freedom of the press and freedom of speech. "I may not like what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." Moore may be an idiot, but we ought to let him have his say - the more people it makes uncomfortable, the better (makes for a more interesting election, anyhow).
TigerNobleHeart said:
I have mixed feelings about AvP. The mainly the director. I would've felt much easier if it was handled by Scott or Cameron.
Though AvP 2 the game was great. :cool:

I'm looking forward to the AvP movie, and the games (especially the 2nd) were real fun.

I always wondered if that Alien skull in the Predator 2 movie was put in there as a joke or if they always were in the same universe.
Worf said:
The truth is somewhere in between (typically somewhere between the BBC and CNN and Al-Jazeera).

I normally wouldn't factor Al-Jazeera into a truth equation. But that's just me.

So speaking of Fahrenheit 9/11, did anyone see the flak over the name of the movie and Ray Bradbury, author of Fahrenheit 451?


Call it whatever you like, but Moore clearly wants people to make the connection. It seems kinda sneaky that he didn't call Bradbury back until just recently over a potentially big issue. Moore ran with it without permission, being the shameless promoter that he is, and now he may find himself in a potential legal battle. :chuckles:
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