Fahrenheit 9/11

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I didn't force my opions on anyone I think both sides are full of crap. If I was a leftist hippie I wouldn't have voted for bush in this first election and I would blame him for 9/11. 9/11 was not his fault. However, it is not his duty to inflict his personal beliefs on anyone while he is president. As for your gun statement it's incrediblely rightest, however I am well trained in using a 9mm police issue pistol.
Are their any mor judgements of me you'd like to make?

Napoleon said:
Michael Moore first off isnt a hippy, a hippy would be a member of the peace movement of the mid and late 60s (or someone who shares the views thereof) advocating basically equality for all mankind, civil liberties for everyone to be respected without people pushing their own beliefs on others.

Michael Moore isntsomeone who decided it was his job to preach after getting a movie under his belt, his entire career is making political movies, he is basically to the left what Drug Limbaugh is to the right

1) I didn't say he was a hippie. My statement about hippies was to show my contempt for most anti-government/anti-president/"you should be more liberal" people. Do you fall into that category?

2) I also detest people who's careers are to bitch about politics. Even though I am typically to the right myself, I don't even care much for Limbaugh's brand of browbeating. Or Bill O'Reily. People such as these (among other things, admittedly) have caused me to stop watching tv and listening to the radio (with the exceptions of a rare few programs on both media).

3) (and this is my main point reiterated, so please get it right) I primarily detest people being so high-minded and bitchy about whoever is in office. Democrat, Republican, whoever. I didn't bitch about Clinton when he was in office, even though I was sorely dissappointed with his antics. He was the President of the United States of America, and thusforth deserved my absolute respect.

Question presidential policies? Sure. Frown upon misbehavior? Understandable to do so. Bitch and moan constantly over what isn't going to change until the next election (if then)? That's just being a whiner. These sneering jabs at President Bush are childish.
Why don't you leave and come back once your brain can formulate a decent point instead of petty personal insults about what the guy looks like?

Oh im sorry, did i insult your precious Michael Moore? :p Im making fun of his looks cause i want to, sorta like you liberals making fun of Bush's looks. I'll formulate a point once i finish.
The fact that you're the kind of person that makes fun of the way other people look pretty much discredits any point you might eventually try to make. Y'know, once you get around to it.

Also, nice to just assume that I'm taking the pro-Moore side as I was not, in fact, taking any side.
Moore is a very polarizing figure. Obviously his films are not cared for by everyone, myself (in the main) included. Yet I always find it funny to read someone's rant about how great Michael Moore is and how "wrong" or "unfair" people are to tear into him and his blather when that is exactly what Moore does with his movies. Kind of a double standard, isn't it?

I thought Roger and Me was actually a pretty decent film. However, once Moore was emboldened by the success of the movie and had become the recipient of much adulation from the Left for attacking ever-evil "Big Business," he began casting himself in the mold of liberal mouthpiece- a fairly certain way to remain popular amongts the mainstream media and Liberal elite. He's sort of a poor, poor, poor man's James Carville with with a camera and a habit for manipulating facts to fit his agenda.

I'll admit at the very least Moore possesses some talent, but I'd start respecting him if he'd try to give equal time to both sides of the "issues of the day." Roger and Me was released in 1989, thus establishing Moore's credentials. Accordingly, he could have gone after Bill Clinton's antics with the same zeal with which he has attacked George Bush, Dick Cheney, and Colin Powell. Instead, Moore chose to remain eerily silent during those 8 years when it came to confronting those in power about their involvement with questionable land deals and speculative cattle futures, let alone lying to Congress and impeachment.
Alien Ressurection

I just saw that movie again and I'm still baffled that they turned such a good science fiction movie series into such utter BS. It looks like they deliberatly took every aspect that made the other Alien movies unique and willfully destroyed it. Apperently they tried to make the movie 'cooler' to appeal a wider audience or somesuch shite so they invented 'cool' stuff like a badass guy with dreadlocks, Winona Ryder and stuff. Is there anyone who liked that movie, or do the others here feel the same about that insult to the Alien trilogy?
overmortal said:
1) I didn't say he was a hippie. My statement about hippies was to show my contempt for most anti-government/anti-president/"you should be more liberal" people. Do you fall into that category?

2) I also detest people who's careers are to bitch about politics. Even though I am typically to the right myself, I don't even care much for Limbaugh's brand of browbeating. Or Bill O'Reily. People such as these (among other things, admittedly) have caused me to stop watching tv and listening to the radio (with the exceptions of a rare few programs on both media).

3) (and this is my main point reiterated, so please get it right) I primarily detest people being so high-minded and bitchy about whoever is in office. Democrat, Republican, whoever. I didn't bitch about Clinton when he was in office, even though I was sorely dissappointed with his antics. He was the President of the United States of America, and thusforth deserved my absolute respect.

Question presidential policies? Sure. Frown upon misbehavior? Understandable to do so. Bitch and moan constantly over what isn't going to change until the next election (if then)? That's just being a whiner. These sneering jabs at President Bush are childish.

My problem with him is that his speeches border on the truly disloyal, and go past the line into self-seving; remember his Oscar speech?. If he were to pull this crap 50 years ago, he'd be discreditied, arrested and charged with sedition. Oh, I would've loved to have Sen. McCarthy come after him.

What's also sad is that people in the "Entertainment Industry" run around thinking that they have a right to preech about their take on the war *because* they are famious. Some of them have criminal records and didn't even finish high school. Gawd, the hiliraity's abound!
I do. It's not as good as the first but still good entertainment in my eyes. But I think there are quite some people here that agree more with you than with me.
Oh, I sympathize. Oh, I loved the Aliens movies. I practically grew up on "Aliens"! :)
You could tell that they've blown all of their budget on the sets and the bad CG. They could've used the money on another scriptwriter! Everything had a bad comicbook feel; like one of the badder Dark Horse issues.
TigerNobleHeart said:
My problem with him is that his speeches border on the truly disloyal, and go past the line into self-seving; remember his Oscar speech?. If he were to pull this crap 50 years ago, he'd be discreditied, arrested and charged with sedition. Oh, I would've loved to have Sen. McCarthy come after him.

Yes, because obviously everybody with a differing opinion in an unpatriotic commie pinko liberal spy with the sole intent of destroying the American way of life.

TigerNobleHeart said:
What's also sad is that people in the "Entertainment Industry" run around thinking that they have a right to preech about their take on the war *because* they are famious. Some of them have criminal records and didn't even finish high school. Gawd, the hiliraity's abound!

Just like people on the internet.
vindicator said:
There is no one I'd like to see die more than Bush, on the other hand, Michael Moore is a huge jackass with an anti-Bush agenda. if I wanted to see a leftist documentary I'd watch a nazi film, because at least what's potrayed in there is nazism and not someone trying to paint someone as a nazi


actually the nazis were rightists. the communists are leftist.

Straggler said:
Oh im sorry, did i insult your precious Michael Moore? :p Im making fun of his looks cause i want to, sorta like you liberals making fun of Bush's looks. I'll formulate a point once i finish.

so you make fun of people cuz of the way they look? thats just low. if you wanna make fun of someone, find something else to make fun of, cuz personal appearance is jumping over the line.

No Regret said:
Yes, because obviously everybody with a differing opinion in an unpatriotic commie pinko liberal spy with the sole intent of destroying the American way of life.

isnt there a freedom of speech, freedom to do what you want( as long as it doesnt break the law), and freedom to believe what you want in the US?
I liked Alien Resurrection. The guy who directed it was the same one who did City of Lost Children and Amelie. I think what I liked about AR is just that they showed the aliens in a state where they weren't hunting. It was interesting to just see them scheming and trying to get out of those cells. I did think the plot was very labored. But then the other Alien movies never seemed to have a strong plot I think. They were just trying to survive an onslaught of the aliens. I always wanted to know where they came from and have them get into just how intelligent they really were.

It seems likely there will be more Alien movies.
isnt there a freedom of speech, freedom to do what you want( as long as it doesnt break the law), and freedom to believe what you want in the US?

not for long.

you can't have security and freedom at the same time, but I'd rather have freedom.
Straggler said:
Michael Moore is just another stupid liberal screaming against Bush. Instead of screaming at Bush, why doesn't he move his fatass as lose some of that weight?

cuz screaming at bush is useful cuz he deserves everything ever said negatively against him?
Colonel Sanders said:
not for long.

you can't have security and freedom at the same time, but I'd rather have freedom.
they that can give up essential liberty for temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.

-ben franklin
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