Mincemeat said:
Actually these special ships are stored in the ALTSHIPS.??? files so the usual editors won't open them. You can change them manually with a hex editor - and yes, there is a special Hobbes' crossbow that has two particles and two neutrons. Also, the crossbow that Thrakhath flies have phase shielding as a sort of continuity hack so that he always survives and escapes.
In SO2, some traitor sabres in a particular mission had its stats transposed with a morningstar - nasty stuff! Once again fixable from the ALTSHIPS files.
Hm... I'm pretty sure I saw Hobbes with a Crossbow having the normal 3 Mass Drivers and 2 Particles instead of the 2 Neutrons (usually got killed by it if I accidentally "traitored"). (never saw a 2N+2P variant, though)
I thought of it as a left-over from early design stages - the Crossbow is a new top-of-the-line ship after all, so it would at first make sense to give it Particles; and later they replaced them by Neutrons for balancing reasons, while forgetting Hobbes... well, at least that's how I always explained that to me...
And the Sabres with Morningstar stats (i.e. Sabres with 3 Particles and maybe no turrets [not sure with the last one] ; can't confirm if the rest got swapped, too) - well, I think I slightly remember those, too. And yes, I also think that swapping stats of different ships seems more likely to be a glitch then reducing the number of Particles on the Epees (duh - I didn't notice these... but I also thought the Bloodfang had 2 Particles back then...
Oh, and about Thrakhath - nice to know, thanks. I only played the story once, so I didn't notice all of these subtleties...
Toast said:
...I know team Standoff says it makes more sense for a Gemini-stationed carrier to be flying Stilettos instead of Epees, and Stilettos definitely look to be more atmosphere-capable than Epees. Their diminutive size, though, makes them a great choice for those cramped CVE hangars... that, and their ability to carry a torpedo.
Just that, if I remember it correctly, there also was a loadout for the Epee with one torpedo, that I flew at least once while playing the WC2-series...
Quarto said:
Well, no. As I said before, at the time we didn't have the patch that adjusted the refire rates, and we didn't know such a patch would ever be possible. So, having four particle cannons would have been out of the question. As for other possible gun combinations... particles and mass drivers would have been just like the Sabre, and particles and lasers just like the Rapier. This combination at least made the ship more or less unique. But, that's just guesswork on my part - as I said earlier, I don't remember anything from that particular discussion
Well, ok - that's a reason, then.
Quarto said:
This combination at least made the ship more or less unique.
Quarto said:
I have no idea, but it's entirely possible. You say you hit the Dorkathi from 5000 metres with the Particle? Well, I just ran Academy, and I was able to hit Candar Space Station from 6500 metres with the Particle. And according to the manual, Candar is a mere 400 metres in length (that is, its outer edge is theoretically 200 metres from the station's centre).
...Which certainly is odd. I suppose at some point I need to open the EXE up and check those values again - maybe the particle's 3000 metres is actually some kind of typo I made when noting down the values in the first place.
Uh, that's odd - so I take a look at the space station, and you take one on the EXE... (of course only as soon as we get to it)
Lt.Death100 said:
I really think the appeal of Standoff shipwise is that you can still get the job done with those piece of crap fighters. Kinda feels good!
Uh, you got me there...
Actually, since I got to the Sim, I didn't continue the story any more - not that I don't plan on doing it (and I certainly don't want to dishonour the work of the Standoff-team in any way), but at the moment I'm more interested in getting to my limits in the sim.
And the Gladius REALLY is a nice ship - of course I'd like a bit thicker shields and a somewhat higher AB speed, but I do prefer the gun loadout to the Rapier's (Gladius has Particles on the inner part of the salvo, while on the Rapier the Particles are on the outside...) And of course, the Rapier doesn't have any torpedoes.
And a quick question about the scoring-system (or, more precisely, about the way the scores are sorted) : Wouldn't it make more sense to award medals for each mission separetely (like make each line in the pilots' profile that currently says "ship A - x/y" instead say "ship A - x/y ; b/c ; ...")? I somehow feel like the results in the Confed-Sim are a bit under-rated the way it is now... And once you include more different missions in the scoreboard - even ones with capship-attacks - this issue would seem even more severe... (which doesn't mean it's bad to include more missions)
(am only asking - nobody get upset, please)
Toast said:
Oh, believe me -
this I understood. You're a sitting duck in that Crossbow. Not as much as you would be in a Broadsword, but you're still a sitting duck, and you
will get hit by those Epees. If they had regular firepower, you'd be finished, and quickly, I know. How do you think I came up with my callsign?
rofl... Nice idea for choosing callsigns