I... though I usually tried to get through with 300-350 (especially in battles to avoid being a sitting duck)iamtheman83 said:...Who remembers having to fly at a speed of at least 250 to navigate an asteroid belt or mine field?...
More or less the same here... and don't forget to mention these 4 waves were mostly Gratha and Jalthi (to be exact 4 Gratha, 4 Jalthi, 4 Krant and again 4 Gratha - I wrote it down back then...; and as far as my notes go there were 5 Rapiers, not 4) ... still I somewhat liked that mission for being challengingiamtheman83 said:I admit now, I miscalculated my 'safe' cruising speed in WC1 and can confirm that I actually consider 400 kps my prefered speed during heavy enemy resistence. I use my afterburners in WC1 and WC2 primarily to shake missile locks and perform the afterburner slide (which I note as the move that keeps me alive in the hardest missions - one in particular from SM1, an insane "rescue" mission with me and Spirit getting ambushed by the Gwenhyvar with me in a Raptor against 4 Rapiers as well as 4 waves of Kilrathi fighters).
With WC1, I think the Raptor is better than a Rapier - it has a perfect speed of 400 and handles very smoothly and isn't as touchy to fly as the Rapier - however, it lacks the firepower of the Rapier, calling for accurate shots because gun recharge rates are very slow.
Well, right, but still one could assume that they were, if not exactly, at least of somewhat similar length...Eder said:No, we can't, because the reason we're given different lengths for both the WC1 Rapier and the WC2 Rapier is that they're different designs.
I strongly dislike the whole Rapier-Comparison-Theory... the reason why people usually want to dismiss the ship sizes given in the WC1 blueprints is that they (correctly) feel the ships look smaller than the given measures. However, the ships in WC2 also look smaller than their given measures. Moreover, the WC2 Rapier and the WC1 Rapier are clearly different designs, therefore they don't need to be the same length. Why, then, would you want to "fix" a ship's length by making it the same as another ship's, if that second ship doesn't exactly look it's length either?
But to come to something else, the Hornet did have 1400 (or was it 1350 ?) kps afterburner speed in WC1... what was the reason to set it to 1280? Maybe power-drain from the replacement of Lasers with neutrons? Or just to make it look older? (just being curious here...)
Because when someone said they were given Neutrons to increase their chances in some mission, also giving them their original AB-speed would have increased those chances even more, wouldn't it?
And for things I noticed on other ships - Krant had Lasers, it now having Mass Drivers could be seen as a continuation of the program that gave Dralthi II's Mass Drivers; about the Hhriss I'm not sure what it has in Standoff, but it seemed to have more then the 2 Mass Drivers and 2 Neutrons that I remember as its original specs; and about the Wraith not having Reapers (also see below)... were the game's weapon slots too few for some reason?
About weapon ranges... What I recall would be Lasers 4800, Mass Drivers 3000, Neutrons 2500, Particle 5000 and Turrets also about 5000 (yes, even though they look like Neutrons...)
So I'm wondering why Mass Drivers seem to be the most long-ranged gun in Standoff... (I'll need to look up the Standoff-values with WCPEdit sometime)
[and in Academy the Reapers - that the Wraith had where you gave it Neutrons - had roughly 6000 and the Photons of the Jrathek had about 5400, while its Plasmas had somewhere around 3000 to 3500 (or even 2500 to 4000, never payed that much attention to them) ; just to complete the listing]
Concerning bullet speeds, I'd revise my prior comment and say that Mass Drivers and Particles seem accurate, while Lasers seem to be a bit too fast and Neutrons a bit too slow, and about the speed of the turret-guns I have not much impressions right now...
Still I see this thread as a theoretical debate, recalling my above statement... Or is it planned to make balancing changes?