Episode 4

Yeah, the nav map is a very powerful tool in defense missions. If you can always find out what bomber is targeting your station, you can at least maintain your current status by rattling the targeter.
Unregistered said:
I was never a user of the nav map, i just flew to the nearest bomber and killed it, maybe thats why I lost luyten station in SO so many times( I couldnt stop the stingray
Did you actually save Luyten station without the navmap?? That's quite a feat.
The navmap was also needed to intercept the torpedoes before they reached the station. (that was a fun mission :D )
I blame it on Berman and Braga.

Anyway, i'm really looking forward to episode four. Will it be longer than the previous episodes, or just a few missions and then put everything into episode five? Not that there's anything wrong with that, i'm just wondering where development is going.

I can't wait to fight the Hakaga carriers. Well, I could, as they'll be undoubtedly hard to fight, but yet, I can't, because i'm so excited. All the rest of Standoff has been professional level quality, and i'm just so excited about the next release.
Well, I can´t say much about the next Episode, because I don´t know how much has been revealed already, and I don´t want to spoil anything that Q or Eder don´t want to reveal yet.

I can say, however, that the Brazilian flag has been an inspiration to us for the past two weeks, and things have progressed very fast in that period of time. :D
Lt.Death100 said:
Star Trek has really gone down-hill from DS9.

No it hasn't.

Crazy J said:
I blame it on Berman and Braga.

That's just generic internet talk like when people blame EA for whatever they don't like about Wing Commander. Berman and Braga, like EA, were responsible for getting Star Trek and Wing Commander into the impressive state they were in the mid 90s.
As far as the episode's length is concerned, this episode is going to be much bigger than the last. In episode three, it was possible to finish the winning path in three missions... this episode, the shortest path is six missions long, and the longest is seven missions long.

BTW, a news update can almost certainly be expected this weekend. We've been silent for far too long, especially considering how much I personally harrassed the Saga crew about their lack of regular news updates :p. We haven't really had much progress in the past few months for various reasons, but we're very much kicking things into high gear now, so we'll have a lot more to say and show in the coming months.

(but I definitely wouldn't expect us to announce a release date for quite some time yet)
Lt.Death100 said:
Star Trek has really gone down-hill from DS9.

I'll agree it went downhill in some respects, The happy perfect future where a lesson was learned every episode thing left. I thought the dominion wars were good though and you could watch voyager for seven of nines big boobies (I wonder if they're borged too).

Sorry got thinking about something I shouldn't.

Anyways back to the purpose of the forum, ive been practising on standoff, and something just occured to me, the old gladius, it doesn't have much fuel does it, I learnt that on the Ralatha/Snakeir strike mission. So I've wanted to ask, Do we get any more ships other than the crossbows?
cpwdakilr said:
Anyways back to the purpose of the forum, ive been practising on standoff, and something just occured to me, the old gladius, it doesn't have much fuel does it, I learnt that on the Ralatha/Snakeir strike mission. So I've wanted to ask, Do we get any more ships other than the crossbows?
Apart from Crossbows, you'll get Sabres. And you won't be flying the Gladius any more, so you'll have plenty of chances to try both the Sabre and the Crossbow.
Quarto said:
BTW, a news update can almost certainly be expected this weekend. We've been silent for far too long, especially considering how much I personally harrassed the Saga crew about their lack of regular news updates :p.

So do I need to start harassing you guys like I did them?
Yeah... the update got delayed a bit (for once, not because of any external issues, but merely because we were concentrating on other Standoff stuff), but it will be done tonight.
So we actually DO get to keep the fighters that were destined for the TCS Moskva... I don't think her crew will be happy about that one. It said the Moskva retreated, and was not destroyed. I really don't think they'll like having to give up their fighters to a midget carrier.

Crazy J said:
So we actually DO get to keep the fighters that were destined for the TCS Moskva...
Yeah, that's why it was said that we get to keep them :p.

We've put up the news update. Only one new screenshot this time, and the progress page doesn't seem to have changed too much, but believe me, the past two weeks things have been going much faster than the previous three-four months, and we intend to keep it that way. So, the gaps between news updates are going to be much smaller from now on.
Personally, I think that's the best news update I've ever written. :p

As for the screenshots, three weeks from now I should be back to working on Standoff full-time, so there *may* still be something I can screenshotize without giving too much away... maybe. ;)
Say, do we get a different introduction to episode four if we survive episode three's losing track? I ended up going down that path just a few minutes ago - ironically, I found it easier than the winning track... but that's me.