Unknown Enemy
It's a Shok'lar stealth fighter. You see it in the ep. 2 intro... and on a few other occasions.Icefire69 said:<-- What is that?
It's a Shok'lar stealth fighter. You see it in the ep. 2 intro... and on a few other occasions.Icefire69 said:<-- What is that?
Do you expect use try to lose any single mission just to see where the loosing path is (i think i remeber you have three way, good, medium and bad) how about a small mission tree from the beginning including EP3, since EP4 will take alot time before release?PopsiclePete said:... wich brings the question: do people actually play the loosing paths ?
Eder said:That'd spoil something we consider to be part of the fun. We might do a mission tree once all episodes are out, but even then, we couldn't possibly display all the variants in a concise way.
We don't know, we don't know, we don't know . There's a lot of different factors involved - for example, a capship has a far greater impact on the game's speed than an ordinary fighter, even if the fighter in question has as many polys as the capship. At the same time, we're not just talking about framerate. To me, framerate is really a secondary issue - the most important problem (...and something we already had trouble with in episode 3) is playability. The more ships you have out there, the harder it becomes to balance the game so that the mission is not only playable and finishable, but also fun.Dundradal said:concerning the upcoming large battles we are going to see later this year...what are the numbers you have been playing with for missions? I'm just curious what the potential numbers are. Also, just out of curiousity what is SO's limit on ships in a mission (friendly capships/fighters and enemies).
What about just having filler ships battling in the background? Then there would be only be a few ships actually influencing the battle.Quarto said:The more ships you have out there, the harder it becomes to balance the game so that the mission is not only playable and finishable, but also fun.
(in borg voice)We are the borg. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.Delance said:Your puny machine codes can't trample our free will.
I just said that cause it seemed to fit the situation.Delance said:Ugh, Star Trek.