LeHah said:
Complaining about something you didn't like is fine. We all do that. The problem is when people try to legitimize it by saying what they wanted was better or more important than what was made and they refute it simply because of that.
Finally, something can be said that I agree with. My problem with the Movie isn't what the could have, or should have done. My problem with the movie is what they did. Some of that is Lucas' fault (He shouldn't write or direct - he should produce. He makes better movies that way) some if it is the actors fault (Again, this is part of Star Wars - taking no-name actors and making stars out of them) and some of it is just the a problem with the idea of Episode III.
It's supposed to bridge the trilogy, and I understand that, but I wish it hadn't tried so hard. It seems like, at times, there was such an effort to bridge the triologies that the myhtos of Star Wars got rejected to preserve continuity. Lucas is also on the record as saying he had his hands tied with alot of this movie BECAUSE of the fan base. People wanted him to explain things like "becoming one with the Force". He talked about this ALOT at the Celebration III in Indianapolois. Rick McCullem mentioned it too, he thought that the last thirty minutes of the movie were slow and contained alot of uneeded connections with the movie. And Lucas even said some of it he didn't want to show but he was being forced to explain by the fan base.
I just wanted another Star Wars movie. There's 20 years between ANH and ROTS, they didn't need to connect anywhere near as much as they did, IMO. But even if they hadn't, I think I still wouldn't have liked Episode III, because it is an attempt to bridge the Flashy-CGI-heavy Prequel Trilogy with the original mythical Star Wars Movies we've all come to know and love, and I just see that as another gross violation to the heart of Star Wars (something akin to the DVD movies, for example).
I was also told, prior to seeing the movie, by both Rick McCullem and George Lucas that Episode III was pure action. Sorry, that's a quote. "pure action" I wasn't told there would be a twenty minute seen in an opera house. Or thirty minutes of the Tantive IV flying around. Maybe in their mind that's what action is, but it didn't feel that way to me.
The more I think about it, it's not Episode III that bothers me so much, it's that Episode III tries to force a link between things that shouldn't necessarily be linked (like Chewbacca, and TIE Fighters) and that just feels wrong to me. Chewbacca, for example, is an unnatural link from EPIII to EPIV, but would Victory Star Destroyers have been? Not in my opinion. Though I think the movie fared much better without the VSD's, personally.
Regarding the EU Matieral...my specific complaint regarding the EU Material is that some of it IS included in the movie, and some of it is NOT. As you said, George Lucas had to decide to use all of it or none of it, and he picked some of it instead. Which I think is part of the conflict with the large Star Wars Fan base over the movies.
EX: Grevious Coughing - Clone Wars Cartoon Series, Incom/Subpro Creation of the ARC-170, Star Wars Vehicles and Vessles [Incom is not a "canon" company, because it never appears in the movie], Speratist attack on Kashyyyk - Republic Commando video game, Aldera on Alderaan - appears several places in Star Wars stories [Part of it was used in the movie, the city plans themselves, the location however, was changed]. There are numerous counts of "parts" of Star Wars lore being put into the movies, but never all of it.
PS: The "green Jedi freak" from EPII is Kit Fisto, and Star Destroyers carry 72 TIE Fighters (one wing, or six squadrons) broken up into one bomber squadron, one interdictor squadron, and four TIE Fighter Squadrons. It can also carry 10 Stormtrooper Transports and 5 Lambda-class Shuttles, as well as an array of ground assault vehicles. Most people who quote that figure are unaware they are quoting from The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels, though similar numbers appear in The Black Fleet Crisis, Rogue Squadron: Bacta War, and Wraith Squadron.