Got my Oblivion today, played it for about two and a half hours. Nowhere near enough to be able to really have an opinion about the game as a whole, but I do have a few comments so far...
- In general, it feels great. Yes, the interface is evil and I want my Morrowind interface back, but other than that, the game feels like an upgraded Morrowind, and that's good. The combat is nice and dynamic, the sneaking is good.
- Physics. Still waiting to be impressed... but maybe that's a good thing. So far, there's only been two or three situations where physics was actually used, and each of those felt really tacked on (why is there a pile of logs in a deep cave? And why are there two goblins standing directly under that pile, just waiting for me to push it?) - so maybe the best thing for physics to do is to sit there quietly in the background and give me fun little moments of glee when I hit dead rats to make them twitch.
- Graphics. The graphics are... ugly? Ok, yes - I'm not playing on anything close to the highest detail level, I don't have anti-aliasing turned on, and the resolution is only 800x600, because my graphics card is a mere 6600. But what I don't quite understand is how in spite of all the effects that are turned on, the game somehow seems uglier than Morrowind. It's like, you see that everything around you is bump-mapped and specular-mapped and so on... but when you get too close, you get the impression that all the textures are 64x64 or some other impossibly low resolution. I guess that's Bethesda's equivalent of the "get a 486" sign you had in Doom when you reduced your screen size too much

. That's just the textures, though - the dungeons themselves are nice, and the exteriors, from what I've seen so far, are also quite pretty... I just hope they're not
all forest.
- Patrick Stewart. Meh. Worst gimmick ever. How many movies have you seen that have a cast of complete unknowns plus one great star... and cast that star as someone who dies after about ten minutes of screen time?
- Sound. WTF? The creature sounds are terrible... they're quite simply not there. A rat might squeak every once in a while, but what happened to them squealing in agony when you kill them? Why don't they react vocally to damage? Honestly, when I killed my first rat, I hacked away at it for another twenty seconds before I realised that I'd actually killed it with the first blow and it only kept moving because of the physics. At the moment, I'm having a hard time understanding how this game managed to get higher than 50% for sound in any review.
- Lockpicking. I get the feeling this one might get a little tiresome eventually... but for now, it's pretty neat. It really does make it feel like you're doing more than just rolling a die for every lockpick attempt, and that's great.
Most of the comments, you'll notice, are pretty negative. I figure, all the positive stuff has been said already, so no point repeating it. And besides, "upgraded Morrowind" says it all already
