Ok, stats are looking promising. Here's a few Dralthi bits that I found so far. For now, I'll bore you with raw extracts... once I've got this stuff more or less figured out, I'll simply start compiling these into text files.
BTW, Mario, can you provide me with any information at all about which files are used by which ships? I assume your mission editor must refer to the different ships somehow. Right now, all I can do is search all those wonderful nameless, numbered IFF files looking at their INFO chunk, and given that INFO names as informative as DRALTHI are in the minority, this might take a while...
First up, dynamics - steering and speed.
long 65
long 55
long 55
long 430
long 1100
long 22
long 800
It seems that YPR are stored internally in a slightly different order, as PYR (or PRY)... either that, or it could be that the Dralthi does in fact have different YPR values than in the manual. We'll see once I bite into some of the other ships.
After YPR, we've got max speed and max AB speed. No surprises here, either.
Next are... well, that's where things get interesting. What exactly does that 22 and 800 mean? Hopefully, once I've had a look at more ships, a comparison between ships will help explain this.
Then there's a FORM that I don't understand at all. It's called DAMG, but I don't think it's related to damage or anything like that, because there's another FORM for that later on:
long 8
long 2
long 40
No idea what these three values mean. What I do know is that capital ships have only one value (inside a CPTL chunk rather than a FGTR chunk), which is usually much higher. The Kilrathi carrier (or at least, the most likely candidate for a Kilrathi carrier at this point), for example, has 15000.
The next interesting bit for us are the weapons:
long 76800
long 76800
long $00012C00
cstring "OGUN"
long -679927
float 0.0
long -81920
long $FFFEC000
cstring "OGUN"
long $FFFEC000
long $FFFEC000
long -81920
long $FFFEC000
cstring "TGUN"
long 688133
float 0.0
long 0
long 76
cstring "IRKMISS"
long 1035
long 2560
long 2560
long 0
long 6
cstring "KDECOY"
Decoys are easiest to understand, I guess
. Missiles and guns are probably gonna be worse. It's easy enough to understand what kind of missile the Dralthi carries - a Kilrathi IR missile. But how many? Does it only carry one, or do those four longs mean it carries four (like in the manual?)? And guns - it's more or less safe to assume that OGUN and TGUN are the names of gun types, in which case OGUN would be (judging from the manual) the Meson Gun, while TGUN would be a Particle cannon. However, if each of these entries does indeed represent a separate weapon, this would lead me to believe that, given the general similarity between the missile and gun chunks, the Dralthi does in fact carry only one IR missile.
The final bit of interest that I found so far is the shield and armour:
cstring "SHLDFX"
long 12
long 120
long 120
long 120
long 120
long 80
long 60
long 80
long 60
Except for that first 12, things are fairly plain here. Values 2-5 are shields, while values 6-9 are armour. Judging from the armour values, it seems that most likely the order in which these are stored is front, side 1, rear, side 2. Needless to say, unless there is an assymetrically-armoured ship in there, we'll never find out which side is which, but it's not something we actually need to know. All that remains is that first 12. Based on how things work in WCP, I would guess that this is the core value - i.e., how much damage the ship can take once you peel down both the shields and the armour. It does seem rather small, though.
Edit: after looking at a few other files, I've noticed that the first value is always 1/10th of the shield values. It occurs to me that this could also mean the shield recharge rate.
The above FORMs are, as far as I can figure out, the only places that contain the stats. There does not appear to be anything about the ship's mass anywhere, but that could be what one of the unknown values in the DYNM FORM would mean... presumably, the other would then be acceleration.
Other things that could be in there somewhere (but not necessarily - they weren't in WC1 & 2) are afterburner fuel and gun energy.