I'll join you in that weird boat, Howard. Unfortunately, though, when you're surrounded by people who are putting their money into trying to get you killed, you can't just exclusively turn to the stars and trust that things will be okay while you aim to understand the universe. In an ideal world, though, I - for one - would favor things if this world outgrew its differences, pooled its collective resources, and aimed to jointly turn to the stars as one unified species.
Great, yeah, let's unite the world, pool our collective resources... and what if the new, united government decides it doesn't want to spend money on space exploration? You'd be kinda screwed then, don't you think? Monopolies are bad - and if they're bad in business, they're a million times worse in government.
As for putting money into trying to get you killed... I daresay your government is investing money into keeping you
alive. Granted, sometimes they spend too much, and sometimes they do things which specifically put you at risk (...thereby forcing them to spend more money on defence that they otherwise wouldn't need), but the general idea is always
your protection. So, it's not like they could stop spending money on defence without any painful consequences. If you have any doubts about that, you should remember that one of the first things the US did after independence was dismantle the "unnecessary" Continental Navy. Not a decade passed before the unnecessary turned out to be vital, and the costs of maintaining a navy turned out to be smaller than the price America paid for not having a navy.
I dare say Quarto's an Accountant at heart with the way he's crunching these numbers.
Huh? Where did you see me crunch any numbers? I don't deal with numbers, I deal with common sense - and common sense dictates that until NASA can effectively get around our own solar system, money spent on distant barely-distinguishable specks is money wasted. It's like if Switzerland decided to conquer the world... would it make sense for them to start financing a navy
before they gained access to the sea?