My thoughts and opinions, for what little they're worth:
Howard Day said:
I probably one of the few people who feels that the enormous amount of money we're spending on defense would be better spent on space programs and research. I know! Wierd, huh? I can't help but think that all the money we spend on killing each other would be better used...not killing each other. Maybe I'm just a naive dreamer.
I'll join you in that weird boat, Howard. Unfortunately, though, when you're surrounded by people who are putting their money into trying to get you killed, you can't just exclusively turn to the stars and trust that things will be okay while you aim to understand the universe. In an ideal world, though, I - for one - would favor things if this world outgrew its differences, pooled its collective resources, and aimed to jointly turn to the stars as one unified species. (A completely impossible dream, I know, but still a dream of mine nevertheless. As we see, though, this doesn't even work out ultimately in the Wing Commander Universe even!!)
LeHah said:
Is the sky blue where you are, Delance?
Ouch...LeHah's at it again!
Yeah, Delance did a fine job stating the obvious there, but hey - what else are forums for if not to think aloud, and to make those thoughts heard? Redundant, yes, but weighing in on the whole "should we or should we not take an interest in looking at planets more closely, and this one in particular" debate appropriately regardless. What are your thoughts on this one, LeHah?
Bandit LOAF said:
My understanding is that the now-Democratic congress plans to specifically cut NASA's exploration budget instead of continuing the steady increase requested by the President. This not only shuts down the interferometer mission but also development of the CEV and its assosciated rocket (needed for the Moon-Mars push). It's a nasty case of vindictive politics throwing up all over something that should be wholly separated from paritsanship, not some clever plan on the part of congress to punish NASA into doing exactly what it's supposed to (which is, of course, determined by the government in the first place).
Didn't realize this one, LOAF. Wow...that sucks. Party politics at it again, eh? Not a huge fan of this whole "war on terror" thing we have going right now, but when it comes to NASA and the space program at large, I'm more the kind of guy who figures we should be putting more into it, not less. Not sure how supportive I am of the lunar & martian outpost idea either, but as a dreamer and a hopeless optimist at heart, I'm supportive of an organization that reaches beyond the confines of this planet to continually try and make mankind something more than it already is.
I dare say Quarto's an Accountant at heart with the way he's crunching these numbers.
As someone who is a taxpayer in the U.S., I'd be happy if the government took it upon themselves to fork the money over to NASA who then used it to try and discover new worlds. In the '60's, the whole Cold War was incentive enough for the space race to the moon. Nowadays, we need something similar to shock the people of this country and the world into thinking "hey, we need to make another push." Turning our solar system into a massive mining project is something for the corporations of tomorrow to do. I think most of us space-lovers yearn for the day when it's announced that we finally discovered life on another world. If it turned out to be nothing more than bacteria, yeah - that's kind of gay, but still cool nevertheless. If we found signs of so-called "sentient" or "intelligent" life, though, the possibilties are amazing to consider. There'd be more of a push for improved methods of communication, improved or more efficient methods of transportation, perhaps a greater perspective of the universe than we've had with the Earth-centric view, probably tons of philosophical and theological debates that would kick up everywhere.
If we take the time and make the effort now to give scientists the technological leg-up so that the search for life in the universe could one day turn into more than the "shot in the dark" that it is now, that will pay out handsomely in the future. It's the way things work (at least in this economy) - politicians take money from the people and the corporations and give it to the scientists. The scientists come up with something incredible, then it trickles back down to the government. The government hands it off to the military who comes up with a novel way to use it to better wage war. Eventually it trickles back down to the corporations who find a way to make it marketable to the average consumer. And eventually that equates to better TVs, safer and faster transportation (cars, jets, etc.), faster internet, etc. for the masses.
I say give the dreamers at NASA the green with a special interest & focus in things like this topic eddieb was good enough to post for our little debate here. Maybe it'll lead to nothing eventually and we'll find out that humanity is just as special and singular as some have thought. Regardless, it'll give us a broader view of the universe, new or better technologies for us all to enjoy, and (perish the thought!) some semblance of hope in the years to come!