Does wing commander lives in The Netherlands?

well, you're wrong,

Stevie Star

en dan de goede belgen onder ons;
no regret
en nog een paar

see what i mean, but keep things in english oke

When I'm in the air...
I'm indestructible.
No one can stop me...
But they try.
Real WC fans support the WCESCRP
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What are you whinging about? I used to know some people in my neck of the woods who were into WC. Now they've given up on it
The nearest person I know of that still likes WC is Quarto and he's in Australia. Otherwise everyone else is on the other side of the planet.
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a die very hard ?? You mean the bugs that die very hard. Come on, let someone make a patch that WC:P or SO makes realy hard, 'cos it's to easy on Nightmare (but i'm not the only one who thinks this way).

But there are a lot more WC fans in the NL, you just have to find them.
If you think that i'm talking to myself, your english is very bad or some crazy voice in your head is saying that i'm talking to myself. The one i was replying to was butana, so i don't know where you rookies got that idea from.
reading disorder ?

Originally posted by Twister
one part beeing the rookie and the other the uhm..."Ace"

I wil give you an MPS if you call me iCe again.
or I'm forced to take it outside with you.

je kan lezen of je kan het niet, en als jij het niet kan wat doe je dan hier.
Rookie to hard ?! Come on man, that's impossible ! I don't know how you fly, but when you play the last mission of prophecy on nightmare, and you get about 70 kills (sounds silly, but it's true) then you can say it's easy.

But you know you have to evade lasers en drop decoys right ? Don't see why rookie is that hard.
If you think that i'm talking to myself, your english is very bad [...] The one i was replying to was butana
Hmm... I don't know... could it be because you both have the same IP address?

I mean, I suppose it's possible that there is two of you, and you're both sitting behind the same proxy, but...

[Edited by Quarto on 02-06-2001 at 10:58]
We can use internet on schol, and we can acces the internet via a LAN, so that's why we have the same IP. But we are 2 diffirent persons
BTW, I'm at uni now, with obviously a different IP from my home. Does that make me two different people? I think it's good we've got the IP to ID people, but we can't jump to conclusions, just cos two users have the same IP, right?
Originally posted by Wedge009
BTW, I'm at uni now, with obviously a different IP from my home. Does that make me two different people? I think it's good we've got the IP to ID people, but we can't jump to conclusions, just cos two users have the same IP, right?
Different IPs for one person just mean he switched to a different computer. Same IPs for two people, on the other hand, are a bit suspect (though there are naturally situations where two or more people will have the same IP).
Agian, on our school we have internet via a LAN, so we all use the same connection, that's why we have the same IP.

And would be the good of registering twice ?