Does wing commander lives in The Netherlands?

Originally posted by iCe
Agian, on our school we have internet via a LAN, so we all use the same connection, that's why we have the same IP.

And would be the good of registering twice ?

The term is "sock puppet". More than a few net.kooks will create one or more fake second accounts, trying to make it look like there are others who agree with him/her. The goal, basically, is to make it look as if said kook has support beyond his own delusions.

It's been done before, in multiple WC forums (usenet, e-mail, web boards, etc), although generally the attempt is so transparent that it takes very little time to figure it out (often in the time it takes to open up the full headers of a usenet or e-mail post).

(For the record, I'm not sure either way, in regards to whether there's sock puppetry afoot *ahem* in this case. To be honest I'm not sure I really care, either.)

Ok. This is strange. Paladin is a very different person. if you want to see a picture of us in the comp sci lab at school I'll post one. We are two very different people. It's nearly an insult to say we are like each other. All i did was show him the Kitten's vs. Bunny Rabbits thread, and he wanted to post. I can't stop him from creating an account. He vehemently hates WC. why he created an account at a WC message board, i don't know. But that would explain his WC sucks thread.

Originaly posted by ChrisReid
Zor and Paladin acted like the exact same person with two names moreso though

When was that?