Does Confed host any sports events? (Like the Universe Cup 4 Football or something)

Hmm, I was referring to my typo from the other thread as some kind joke. But that made you sad and that makes me sad, so keep your WCIV DVD.
well then I can go buy myself the mystical golden sword of power that I always wanted! :D :p
Or, you could go shopping in india! Their nantional currency is called rupees! I wonder if nintendo got that from them????
yeah well Nintendo has a history of ripping off stuff from other people, or was that SquareSoft? ;)
hehe, well thanks for reminding me to take off my sig though, it was gettin' old :)

edit: check out the new one, quite informative :)
It's ancient, some say it has existed since the beginning of time but of course that's only babbling of old men...or is it not? <"X-factor" music plays>
I think the X-factor music would be more appropriate here. After all, that's the question Jonathan Frakes always asks, isn't it?