Did we capture bin Laden?

Did we capture bin Laden?

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

    Votes: 22 100.0%

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I could do without lemurs... they too closely resemble this bug-eyed kid I once knew. What I couldn't do without is paper.
Paper you can always make from rags... but Lemurs? They're like spooky little extra-terrestrial mutant monkey things. A world without them just wouldn't be the same.
Originally posted by Quarto
That's an extremely one-sided view. Animals are extremely destructive too... and don't tell me how the animals always stay in balance with their environment, because they don't. That's why the Australian government finds it necessary to cull kangaroos and koalas every once in a while - they may be protected species, but they're quite capable of eating themselves to extinction. At least humans are able to address such issues. I don't see rabbits setting up national parks.
I would think that the culling of certain species would have come about due to something people did. Perhaps the kangaroos and koalas are being culled because of loss of territory due to farming? Animals do sometimes radically change their environment but never to the extent humans can. Do you see animals suddenly colonizing deserts, irrigating the land and making it hospitable? In fact I can't think of one example where an animal species was wholely responsible for its own extinction and I've been interested in natural history since as long as I can remember.

There are no lemurs in Brazil. They can only be found (naturally) on the island of Madagascar. I'm also betting that putting an extra 20% of the worlds CO2 conversion on sea plants is not a good thing and will fuck up the environment much more than LOAF thinks. When it comes to nature there's no such thing as "just" 20%.
Originally posted by Quarto
Paper you can always make from rags... but Lemurs? They're like spooky little extra-terrestrial mutant monkey things. A world without them just wouldn't be the same.

I think you're thinking of the eye-eye. Lemurs aren't spooky and look more like foxes than aliens.
Right on steampunk! 20% less oxygen may just spell doom for life as we know it. Actually no, lets get rid of the rainforest, and watch people like Loaf, tcg and delance try to breathe. The only shame would be that it would have to go that far for them to see the folly in our ways.

And by the way, yes, I have been brainwashed. "Captain Planet...he's our hero...gonna take pollution down to ZERO!"
You are correct -- the less than 20% loss (which would, of course, be the destruction of *all land-based plant life* and not just the Brazilian rainforest) would not really affect us, Oxygen-wise at least.

(There are lots of serious reasons not to destroy rain forests or... regular forests... but 'we'll all suffocate!' isn't one of them.)
Well, Loaf is right about it not ending life. If the oceans can do 80% they will adapt to handle the 20% done by trees. But the consequnces would be much more desvastating that just loosing a few species which is quite frankly pretty serious in itself.

Seems that everybody is underestimating how well balanced nature is. Consider the fine tuning that has occured over millions of years. Remove or introduce one species and a whole eco-system will be affected.

As for humans being able to act on the shit they cause, a lot of the time its too late. Our capacity to act and try to fix our mistakes will often amount to nothing. Its like getting funding to find a cure for a serious illness. Nobody will care until too many people have died or a celebrity gets the diesease.
people who want to debate things ought to know what they are talking about for example: if you want to debate the envinorment then be in that field or have done research enough to understand what you are really talking about I for one hearing the name captain planet wish to decapitate whoever mention him because he was the eviormentalists way of brainwashing our kids with scare tactics and propaganda that all walks of life are fillied with I do not see a point in living the way we do saying something is more important than something else with out really having substantial proof ok lets believe in eviormentalism because it is right or animal rights people that so iritate me I want to let them live in the with their animals.

I wonder how a few months in the wild would change them animal rights is a joke alright yes we may have killed many off them but hey we've done alot but if animal rights people say lets it stop there they might not have jobs and be able to waste tax dollars making pamphlets telling us we are killers and we are bad and enviormentalist still predict disastar and don't ever really focus on the good we've done again if they let it drop they wont get tax dollars to waste doing useless propaganda crap that only a one eyed fool would believe anyone who is in anyone of these groups oughta look at it from both ends instead of im right you are wrong do what I say isn't that what caused 9/11

just to prove what I said I want an enviormentalist fool to tell me what has been done and what has been spent on making this world better and I bet that they can't

also just a thought if enviormentalists are more worried about animals and plant life and space for them why dont they kill them selves that would be great then we could have space for the plant life and animals and onece the animal rights people die that would make even more space

will they put up or shut up ladies and gentlemen

lets watch

Originally posted by vindicator
yes we may have killed many off them but hey we've done alot but if animal rights people say lets it stop there they might not have jobs and be able to waste tax dollars making pamphlets telling us we are killers and we are bad and enviormentalist still predict disastar and don't ever really focus on the good we've done again if they let it drop they wont get tax dollars to waste doing useless propaganda crap ....

So becasue we've tried to do something its all right to kill anything we want since we at least attempted to make the world a better place?
seems to me that all those environmentalists have forgotten one thing. EVOLUTION. the environment is a lot tougher than most people think. you talk about how pollution is bad. what do you think the smoke volcanos put out is? you talk about how taking out a species will drastically effect the environment. guess what. nature was taking out species long before the human race came around. no matter what we do, rather cutting down the forests of the world or playing captain planet, nature will adapt. if some species die along the way, tough shit. the very worst humans can do is hurry up evolution.

but i just got one question: what does all this nature bullshit have to do with if we got bin laden?
I don't believe earth is indestructable but I don't believe it is on the verge of dying either as enviormentalists would have you scared shitless that it is aand I still say they should all kill themselves and make room for those of us who have been trying or best (with in the constraints of reason) if enviormentalists had their way we'd go back to living like cave people or woprse yet we'd have to kill ourselves

Originally posted by redwolf
Right on steampunk! 20% less oxygen may just spell doom for life as we know it. Actually no, lets get rid of the rainforest, and watch people like Loaf, tcg and delance try to breathe. The only shame would be that it would have to go that far for them to see the folly in our ways.

First of all, the Brazilian rainforest are not the only trees left, despite what you may have heard. There is actualy a shit load elsewhere. Second, even if every tree on the planet majically dissapeared overnite, we would not instantly suffocate. As LOAF stated, trees aren't the only source of oxygen, and aren't even a primary source. Oxygen is a *byproduct* of a tree's metabolism, if you can say they have one.

Even so, the earth is covered with immense quantities of water, which has oxygen as 1/3rd of it's composition. I don't suppose you've heard anything about seperating the hydrogen and the oxygen in your extremist lectures, have you? Oxygen is not *made* by trees. They do not have the capacity to take neutrons, protons, and electrons and form atoms. They simply take resources (water, chemicals in the ground and air, etc), mix them up, and spit them back out.

The true shame is you don't seem to have a clue yourself.
I used to watch Captain Planet when I was young. I thought it was pretty good, if a little codecending. But yeah, I believe that we should do what we can for the enviroment. In regard to destroying the rainforest, there's something I want to ask. Why?
Captain Planet was awesome before DIC sold it to Hannah Barberra. There was also a lot of relatively famous actors voicing the characters.
Yeah, I remember Whoopi Goldberg did one, which was a surprise, and there was a few others I remember hearing as well. Let's see...Meg Ryan, Tim Curry, Levar Burton, Malcom McDowell (!), Phil Hartman, Danny Glover, Elizibeth Taylor, among others.
It was all propaganda and never meant to be a show about heros only brain-washing you into believing if you don't pick up all your trash the world will blow up I am not saying we shouldn't look at the bad but lets look at how far we've come in the right direction im still waiting on that info steampunk on what's been done right so far.......what you don't know anything heh heh I thought so

I disagree. I thought it was a good show that paved the way for things like the X Men and such, that were not seriously kids flicks like some of what they put out or gung ho cartoons like Transformers.