Which reminds me, everyody stop eating sharks fin!Originally posted by Phillip Tanaka
Well I double backed on that one didn't I?Cruelty to sharks.
Which reminds me, everyody stop eating sharks fin!Originally posted by Phillip Tanaka
Well I double backed on that one didn't I?Cruelty to sharks.
Fine. Let's do that.Originally posted by Phillip Tanaka
I wouldn't enjoy it and I would hope that it would never happen again, but I would have him cut to ribbons if that's the way he wants to play the game.
Originally posted by Quarto
Fine. Let's do that.
But only on one condition - that after the war, the people who participated in this process, regardless of who they are, what country they serve, their rank in the military, or their connections in the government, are tried and sentenced for war crimes. Because that's what the torture of POWs is, bub.
How about it? Do you think the interrogators/torturers would do that, knowing they'd be getting long prison sentences afterwards? Because, let me tell you, if you're willing to break the rules you yourself set up, without taking the consequences, then you're in no position to complain when others break them too.
Originally posted by Quarto
Fine. Let's do that.
But only on one condition - that after the war, the people who participated in this process, regardless of who they are, what country they serve, their rank in the military, or their connections in the government, are tried and sentenced for war crimes. Because that's what the torture of POWs is, bub.
How about it? Do you think the interrogators/torturers would do that, knowing they'd be getting long prison sentences afterwards? Because, let me tell you, if you're willing to break the rules you yourself set up, without taking the consequences, then you're in no position to complain when others break them too.
Originally posted by Maniac II
Only one thing wrong with your statement... hes not a POW, Hes a war Criminal, a Terroist... and not what i would consider human... Tourturing POWs is wrong... because not all of them are bad... Bin Laden *is* bad...besides... We were at peace when he bombed WTC... there was no war to fight... it was an act of terrorism, not war... it was attackin CIVILIANS!!!! so i dont see were u get off calling him a POW... coz hes not
Originally posted by Shaggy
I think torture is warranted, but only in extreme ticking clock type cases. For the most part we can head off a terrorist action with good Intel and a strike team. Or sometimes the terrorists slip one through, God forbid.
By the ticking clock case I am onbviously referring to something similar to the show 24. If you know there is an attack imminent, and it would be horrific one, then wouldn't some form of torture be admissable?
Admittedly that such a situation would be a long shot, but the government has looked at the possibility, and there have been proposals for torture by warrant in such a situation.
But think about: What if it did happen in your town?
Originally posted by Aries
i'm saying that if the US had captured bin laden and kept it quiet, when CNN found out about it, they'd scream bloody murder.
Ah, but support it you do. See through you, the council does.Originally posted by Phillip Tanaka
Hell, I don't support it.
You couldn't bring yourself to do it, yet you have the gall to say that it's an acceptable option? Torture doesn't require any special expertise, and it doesn't put you in any danger. So, if you don't want to do it, how can you ask somebody else to?But even if torture was the only way to save lives, I don't think I would be the one to do it.