funny you should mention scale. Evidently Concordias are like a Tardis, since their hangars are larger inside than out. The Hellcats are scaled correctly to an 800 meter ship and the orange icon is representative of a 1.8 meter person. I based the hangar off the in game model as opposed to the stills which were used for detail. Really scale is a problem all over the model. The window bays as scaled are about 2.3 meters tall so they're larger than an average person even though the bar window is clearly smaller. Based on those dimensions it's nigh impossible to fit 94 fighters in that hull without a pocket dimension somewhere.
Fun bit of trivia - in UE, when we show the interior of the Princeton during one of the endgame cutscenes, we actually had an upscaled model of the carrier just for that occasion. I wanted lines and lines of fighters, to highlight the fact that this is a fleet carrier rather than some escort piece of junk, and I did want the carrier to appear as big as it often felt in WC4 outside of the cockpit.
At the end of the day, I think with WC carriers, you can do one of two things - either you downscale any WC1, WC3, and WC4 fighters you have, or you upscale the carrier. Indeed, the games certainly do this as well. Stats are one thing, gameplay is another.
By the way, you should definitely have more of those hangar-like storage spaces along the sides of the flight deck. Right now, you've only got a couple of them, and only on one side of the deck. Another thing you should do is add a whole bunch of junk and doodads to the deck, the kind of stuff that can be seen in that WC4 shot above, and in the cutscenes from the game. You know, boxes, barrels, towing vehicles, ordnance, all that kind of stuff. Otherwise, you run the risk that at the end of the day, the hangar deck will still
feel low-detail.
Also, didn't I say I'd be staying off the CZ for a few months? Bugger. I gotta break this habit
