Defiance's Eyecandy Thread

So I was playing around with the WCtoolbox and decided to try and make a WC1 mod. So I took my WCA bengal and converted it into a sprite sheet. It was a larger process than I originally thought but it is kinda fun to do this sort of messing around. Admittedly I stand on the shoulders of giants here. This would've been impossible without the work of @UnnamedCharacter on the WC toolbox and Goliath's sprite rendering script for Blender. So yeah, if anyone wants it I'm happy to share. I may end up doing a whole WCA pack at some point in the future.

View attachment 12337View attachment 12336View attachment 12338
it would be a good idea to speak with stinger about adding upscaling code into wcdx for large sized sprites and bigger aspect ratios if someone wants to dabble with wcdx source code
It's been a bit since I posted anything here. Yoiks, April? Really? So I figured I'd catch folks up on all the WC stuff I've been doing. Aside from working on the WC4 remake which is still plugging along, I recently started doing a version of the fan hex-game Wing Commander TacOps using table top simulator.

I'm making custom figurines and tiles, as well as fighter punch cards to help keep your stats organized. Phase 1 is a basic dogfight scenario, 2 Rapier II's vs. 3 Drakhri. That's for play testing purposes. I will then expand it to include figurines and cards for all the ships in the basic set of TacOps for your hex-based amusement. If I get time, I may well back port in the WC1 assets as well so you can get your Vega on should you so desire. I plan on refreshing the PDF rules as well as time permits. I'll update everyone when its up on the Steam workshop, but until then, here's a few screen shots to keep you tided over. :p


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Afternoon all,

Here's a quick update to the TTS version of TACOPS. There is a version on Steam for playtesting though it is currently locked down for my Steam friends only. But I'm pretty close to being ready to release the starter pack to the public. Maybe next week or two. I need to finish a few additional figures for it. I added the Clydesdale and spent most of my time this week revising the rules (which will also be available in the game). I left the content largely unchanged from the original, and instead focused on organization of the material, fixing typos, and adding missing rules (like mine fields, pilot ejections, critical hits, etc.). Feel free to look them over and let me know what you think.

Enjoy fellow wingnuts!


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Since I feel the need to print all the coolest models from the community, here's how DI's Banshee and Lance look like, with minimal work done to make them printer-compatible. Thanks again, mate, for all the help you offered during these years working together!

Since I feel the need to print all the coolest models from the community, here's how DI's Banshee and Lance look like, with minimal work done to make them printer-compatible. Thanks again, mate, for all the help you offered during these years working together!
Wow, those look really good!
Wow, those look really good!
Thanks! The only real change was for the Lance, as the way the wings are shaped caused them to collapse under their own weight during construction as the automatically-generated support didn't follow the angled edge, so I added a small base and it worked well. Bit of advice if anyone wants to print it, the wing/body connexion can be fragile, so take care during the support removal to not inflict force on the wings. Other than that, it´s just as evil-looking as one would expect from it. Printed Klavs' Hellcat as well, though the rear isn't looking too good in said print. In terms of general printing quality 'as is', the Banshee comes out the best IMO.
Thanks! The only real change was for the Lance, as the way the wings are shaped caused them to collapse under their own weight during construction as the automatically-generated support didn't follow the angled edge, so I added a small base and it worked well. Bit of advice if anyone wants to print it, the wing/body connexion can be fragile, so take care during the support removal to not inflict force on the wings. Other than that, it´s just as evil-looking as one would expect from it. Printed Klavs' Hellcat as well, though the rear isn't looking too good in said print. In terms of general printing quality 'as is', the Banshee comes out the best IMO.
Remind me to get a tutorial from you on how you did that
Remind me to get a tutorial from you on how you did that
Err... how to say... I went the usual way in which I do stuff with 3D editing software, AKA in a blunt and unrefined fashion (I've got very limited skills for this):

Tutorial Dragon.pngTutorial Dragon B.png

Clicked on the "Cube" button, resized it a bit to be small-ish, duplicated it and positioned it in the problematic area and then checked with the splicer if it was going to be properly integrated with the rest of the ship. I wiggled the blocks until the slicer made something that looked good, then started printing.
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