CIC's 14th Birthday

Been looking at the PDF this morning and seeing a lot of typos in the campaign section. Naturally, this is after I'd ordered a galley proof from Lulu. I wonder if I were to update the PDF now if it'd be fixed before they printed the thing...
Will there be any arena-matchups on the birthday event? I'm game...
(My game PC has some assembly issues, so I'm stuck at the 360..)
I'm sure there will be people available to play in #WingNut! I have to emcee so I never get a chance, but I'm also around to play at other times.
Today I'm looking at how to distribute Enyo as an ePub. Gonna have to wait until I get home to do that, looks like. It'd be awesome if I could pull that off...
My galley proof of Enyo arrived in the mail today. Looks really nice. Makes me really wish I had taken the time to proofread the thing first...