CIC's 14th Birthday

Well, I might at least drop the notion of having hardcopies available on the 10th. Much as I might love it, if I'm going to do this thing justice, I'll need a chance to get proofreading done and I'm simply not going to have enough time. So I'm focusing on getting the wiki content done at least; they can have a link to it on the 10th or something.

Remind me that I still need to proofread Prelude. With 7.3 done now, though, I might have time to do that.

The big hold up is the encounters - figuring out the disposition of Kilrathi encounters at each Nav point given the various combinations of players/selected craft. I can't really figure out a way to speed that process up.

Could use some suggestions for Mission 3A - the big encounter involves either the players protecting the Raptors as they deploy the minefield, or them doing the work themselves (in Raptors). I'm trying to figure out just how to go about describing how to deploy a minefield on an orthogonal grid (i.e. number of mines that have to be deployed, distance of the mines from one another, etc.). You know, how are the players going to go about accomplishing their mission objectives in this case.

Mainly voicing my train of thought at the moment, but I will take any advice any of y'all may have to offer.
Six days left and what a difference a day makes:

Campaign Prep, background and map sections - done.
Mission 1-2 - done.
Mission 3A-3B - will be done as soon as I settle on a minefield-laying mechanic I like.
Mission 4 - largely incomplete but the encounter tables are finished - and that's the time-consuming bit.
Mission 5A - still mostly untouched.
Mission 5B - mostly finished, just need to finish out the last encounter and the ending.
What's Next section - complete.
Character sections - I have notes on the pre-built pilot characters, and at least have names for a few of the disposable extras. No Cats yet.

I might be able to pull this off yet. We'll see.
It'll be towards 18Z tomorrow before I can get back to work on the campaign...another huge amount of work got accomplished today, and in fact at this point there's only one mission left to complete, Mission 5A. This is supposed to be the big mission after the pitched battle where the Confederation chases the Kilrathi from the system. I've got the players trying to down straggling transport ships. Trying to figure out how strong to make their escorting fights...if they should be weak compared to the players, or still relatively strong. The mission is pretty much a "victory lap" anyway, a counterpoint to the players being chased from the system (ala Hell's Kitchen) should they fail Mission 4.

Me, I'm looking forward to working on the character bios in earnest. Still need to watch my time, though.
Four days to go:

Campaign Prep, background and map sections - done.
Mission 1-2, 3A-3B, 4, 4B - done.
Mission 5A - some sections complete.
What's Next section - complete.
Character sections - I have notes on the pre-built pilot characters, and at least have names for a few of the disposable extras. No Cats yet.

Today I need to focus on getting 5A done for sure. I did get a little bit of work done on the characters yesterday, but largely I took the day off...
Sure thing. What kind of deadline am I looking at (i.e. when is the latest day/time I need to have something in to you guys in order to get this included)?
8 PM Friday Eastern time! But let us know if you're going to so we can reserve a slot while we're organizing the front page.
8 PM Friday Eastern time! But let us know if you're going to so we can reserve a slot while we're organizing the front page.
Alright, I should be able to have something for you guys well before then.

Mission are done at this point, interlude text added - all that's left is to do the characters and I'm off to the races.
Three days to go. Everything's done at this point except for seven Confed pilot profiles (I'm hoping I've done the ones established in the canon up right...). Not going to have much time to proofread but I should still have more time than I did with Prelude. And I've already made sure to add a legal page this time.

Here's something I haven't thought of up to this point: a cover image. I haven't done hardly any artwork for the game at all other than the Enyo system map. Should probably get to work on that fairly soon.

So...anybody got any ideas for what I should do for the cover image? So far I'm blanking.
Two days to go. I got about eleven pages proofread yesterday (and I seem to recall that's about the maximum I'll be able to sustain per day), so while I may get some proofreading in, there's no way I'll have the whole thing done before Friday. So...I'll release a (mostly) uncorrected proof version. Writers do it all the time; I should know, I've had to catalog them before.

Writing nearly finished. I have one pilot whose bio hasn't been written - writer's block, of all the damn things - and that's it. Oh, and I also need to design the cover image.
Cool cool cool, I stuck an update in Newsie for you, just need the link so it'll be ready to go (and I can quote a block of text from you if you have something you want included.)
Need some quick help: I'm looking for images of the startup sequence for the PC version of WC1/2 (the orchestra warming up with the Earth in the background). I'm looking specifically for that brief period of time after the orchestra's gone out of view but before the Origin logo flies into view (and the fireworks start popping). I'd like to try and do something with it for the Enyo cover image.

Alternatively, any good half-dome looking blue-green planet of the WC1 style would work.
Lemme give that a a bit of a handicap this afternoon. The VM on my workstation is stuck in a reboot cycle. Called the systems office about it this morning; of course they haven't come in to fix it yet...
Naw, I was able to get the planet extracted okay, what I meant with my last post is that I don't have access to GIMP, so it would be harder for me to do some of my usual tricks. Thanks for the blank anyway.

Image is coming along nicely so far, IMHO. 6 megs; else I'd post my progress.
Well, let's try any way. I'll have to wait until I get home to put the finishing touches on it, but y'all can lemme know what you think so far.


Got some issues with the crosshairs; I do know how I'm going to fix it though. Needs a couple of explosions too, I think.
One day to go and I'm gonna declare victory: Enyo is up at Lulu. I don't have time right this second but I'll be sure to get you guys the links as soon as I can (later this morning, probably sometime around 1330Z).

(And that's going to include something for the CIC main page; I haven't forgotten about that.)

I am pleased to announce the release of Enyo, a WCRPG miniature campaign, in honor of the 14th anniversary of the founding of the Wing Commander CIC website. Enyo is a pseudo-historical campaign that allows players to participate in the Enyo Engagement, an event first mentioned in Claw Marks. The campaign plays a lot like a single "series" from the original WC campaigns; it is composed of a total of seven missions, with two missions on the "losing path" and two outcomes (either the players chase the Kilrathi from the system or vice versa). Players have a choice of eleven pre-designed characters from which to choose (including a young Joseph Khumalo); the character creation rules are included, so the option is there for them to make their own characters as well. Players may also have four fighters they may fly from that era - Arrows, Scimitars, Raptors and Wildcats. As with my earlier work, Prelude to Goddard, a light set of rules is included with the game and enough additional information has been included that players and GMs should be able to design their own pre-WC1 era missions.

Enyo is currently available from Lulu both as a free PDF eBook and as a paperback. The paperback costs $6.84 plus S&H; the cost covers printing only (i.e. I'm not making any money off of it). Please bear in mind that the versions currently up are the uncorrected proofs.


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Text and links should be headed your way, LOAF, though it's basically what I put in my last post. There are a couple of extra lines on the end.